dripton / Slugathon

Clone of the old Avalon Hill fantasy wargame Titan, using Python / PyGTK / Twisted
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Write a smarter AI #111

Closed dripton closed 13 years ago

dripton commented 13 years ago

The current AI just moves randomly. It's good for finding bugs, but it's no fun to play against. We need to keep the current dumb AI around as a testing tool, but we also need to add another AI that can win once in a while.

So factor the parts of the AI that need to change into an interface, and move the current AI code out into a new StupidBot class that implements it, and add a command-line option to slugathon-aiclient to pick an AI, and then write a CleverBot class that plays reasonably.

dripton commented 13 years ago

The infrastructure for having separate AIs is in. Now I just need to make CleverBot split, move_legion, and move_creature less stupidly.

dripton commented 13 years ago

split and move_legion are decent (not great) now. move_creature still needs to be done.

dripton commented 13 years ago

move_creature is done. The AI isn't exactly smart yet, but it's not completely silly anymore either.