dripton / Slugathon

Clone of the old Avalon Hill fantasy wargame Titan, using Python / PyGTK / Twisted
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Legion too tall to summon #131

Closed dripton closed 12 years ago

dripton commented 13 years ago

7-high attacking AI legion left one creature offboard, and killed a defending creature on turn 1. On its turn 2 summon phase it tried to summon, but got an assertion failure on the server side:

Player.py", line 365, in summon
assert len(legion) < 7, "legion too tall to summon"

Game.update calls cleanup_offboard_creatures() and cleanup_dead_creatures() when it gets Action.StartReinforceBattlePhase. AIClient.update calls self.ai.summon when it gets Action.StartReinforceBattlePhase. Is the AI moving before the server finishes processing the event?

dripton commented 12 years ago

Client/server sync issues should be fixed in c76e968432a3473221bc6d6284b641b0d4ee2d07