dripton / Slugathon

Clone of the old Avalon Hill fantasy wargame Titan, using Python / PyGTK / Twisted
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Windows Jenkins build slave #152

Closed dripton closed 12 years ago

dripton commented 12 years ago

We need a Jenkins build slave on a Windows box, to build the PyInstaller .exe, test it, and then upload it to Github.

dripton commented 12 years ago

I have a Jenkins build slave set up on my laptop's Windows XP partition. It builds the .exe, but does not upload it to Github. I don't see a Jenkins plugin for that; I may need to write one. Github's API: http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/downloads/

dripton commented 12 years ago

Writing a Jenkins plugin to upload to Github looks like overkill. I can use the existing Jenkins Python plugin and write a simple Python script to do the upload.

dripton commented 12 years ago

I started working on the Github upload script. It's in a separate repo, https://github.com/dripton/ghdownloads It doesn't work yet.

dripton commented 12 years ago

Github fixed the problem with my repo, so now the downloads API works with it, and the ghdownloads.py script works. I just need to write a wrapper script that deletes the nth oldest dev build and then uploads the new build.

dripton commented 12 years ago

bin/upload-exe-to-github works when I run it from the command prompt, but fails from within Jenkins. Probably some environment variable isn't set in that case.

dripton commented 12 years ago

Works now. The Windows bat file that Jenkins runs was acting up, so I moved the commit id handling inside the upload script.