dripton / Slugathon

Clone of the old Avalon Hill fantasy wargame Titan, using Python / PyGTK / Twisted
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AI needs to sometimes recruit 3 of a kind rather than the best creature #173

Closed dripton closed 11 years ago

dripton commented 11 years ago

Currently the AI always recruits the "best" creature available. This means taking a troll instead of a third ogre, a lion instead of a third centaur, a ranger instead of a third lion or troll, and a gorgon instead of a third cyclops. This is often sound strategy, but it's pretty boring to always recruit the same way. The AI needs to sometimes take the third creature, especially when there aren't any strong enemy legions around and there are immediate nearby chances to recruit with three of a kind. (Jungles, hills, woods, towers, etc.) There should be some new BotParms to control how often this happens.