dripton / Slugathon

Clone of the old Avalon Hill fantasy wargame Titan, using Python / PyGTK / Twisted
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Rangestrike when locked in combat with dead enemy #68

Closed dripton closed 14 years ago

dripton commented 14 years ago

A warlock and an allied creature were locked in combat with the same enemy creature. The allied creature killed it. The warlock was then allowed to rangestrike another enemy in the same phase. It should not have been.

dripton commented 14 years ago

Possibly fixed in [c66cb0e15e064c34872580cf9847c4574ee9133e]

dripton commented 14 years ago

It's halfway fixed. The creature is still highlighted as a striker, but when you click on it, it can no longer rangestrike.

dripton commented 14 years ago

This is fixed now.