dripton / Slugathon

Clone of the old Avalon Hill fantasy wargame Titan, using Python / PyGTK / Twisted
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Repaint problems after canceling PickStrikePenalty #75

Closed dripton closed 14 years ago

dripton commented 14 years ago

If the player hits Cancel in the PickStrikePenalty dialog, the battlemap has odd repainting problems.

dripton commented 14 years ago

Repaint all after canceling PickStrikePenalty. Closed by 43ff3df07b448fdfb3fbc301beff59d658f009ba

dripton commented 14 years ago

Should this still be open or was it fixed? Need to retest this one.

dripton commented 14 years ago

The bug is still there.

dripton commented 14 years ago

Fix repaint problems after canceling PickStrikePenalty. Closed by e9b4dd81b1935c262d531f4cf580154517548204

Have update_gui paint the union of event.area and repaint_hexlabels. Previously if called with an area it cleared repaint_hexlabels despite not necessarily painting them.

Change repaint_all to call update_gui immediately rather than using reactor.callLater(0), so that its call doesn't get pre-empted by GTK's call to clean up after the closed dialog.

Add guiutils.combine_rectangles.