dripton / dfrandom

Simple random GURPS Dungeon Fantasy character generator
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FREQ: XML/JSON output #6

Open Syndaryl opened 5 years ago

Syndaryl commented 5 years ago

Option for a basic XML or JSON structured output, to make parsing by a second program easier.

Intended use case: HTML-formatting the output to include in NPC writeups on random dungeon generator.

Syndaryl commented 5 years ago

I'm probably going to look into this. Which format would you prefer?

I personally have a slight preference for JSON as I'm already using JSON in my other programs, and so wouldn't need to include more libraries. But 'snot a big deal either way.

dripton commented 5 years ago

I think the most useful output format is GCS's XML format. 1. It already exists 2. It's a reasonable-looking XML 3. That would allow characters generated by this program to be loaded into GCS.

dripton commented 5 years ago

Of course also having another format would be fine. I just think GCS is the best combo of already existing, standardish, reasonable, and useful.

Syndaryl commented 5 years ago

I'll look into it. :)