drivendataorg / cloudpathlib

Python pathlib-style classes for cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage.
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Multiple pickle roundtrip serializations cause KeyError #450

Open kujenga opened 3 weeks ago

kujenga commented 3 weeks ago

The following code causes a crash, which can arise when passing cloudpathlib objects to/from subprocesses.

    path1 = CloudPath("s3://bucket/key")
    pkl1 = pickle.dumps(path1)

    path2 = pickle.loads(pkl1)
    pkl2 = pickle.dumps(path2)

    path3 = pickle.loads(pkl2)

The exception raised is:

{'_handle': None, '_client': None, '_str': 's3://bucket/key', '_url': ParseResult(scheme='s3', netloc='bucket', path='/key', params='', query='', fragment=''), '_path': PurePosixPath('/bucket/key'), '_dirty': False}
{'_handle': None, '_str': 's3://bucket/key', '_url': ParseResult(scheme='s3', netloc='bucket', path='/key', params='', query='', fragment=''), '_path': PurePosixPath('/bucket/key'), '_dirty': False}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/path/to/", line 20, in <module>
  File "/path/to/", line 13, in main
    pkl2 = pickle.dumps(path2)
  File "/path/to/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cloudpathlib/", line 266, in __getstate__
    del state["_client"]
KeyError: '_client'

The issue seems to be that these methods are not symmetrical, and the _client field is not restored when the object is unpickled in a way that might mirror this example in the docs at this point in the code:

pjbull commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @kujenga.

Since _client is created on demand I think the fix here is just to update __getstate__ with:

if "_client" in state:
    del state["_client"]

Would be happy to take a PR that does that and adds a test.


kujenga commented 5 days ago

Sounds good! PR submitted here: