drizopoulos / JM

Joint Models for Longitudinal & Survival Data under Maximum Likelihood
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Error in optim(thetas, opt.survSplinePH, gr.survSplinePH, method = "BFGS", : #51

Open dulceyaquetto opened 1 month ago

dulceyaquetto commented 1 month ago

Hello, I found this error while trying to fit the joint model. No missing values and both lme and survival models work fine. Tried changing to "piecewise-PH-GH" and "weibull-PH-GH methods but still getting the same error. Error in optim(thetas, opt.survSplinePH, gr.survSplinePH, method = "BFGS", : non-finite value supplied by optim

Thank you for any guidance on this and for the amazing package.