drizopoulos / ltm

Latent Trait Models under IRT
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Getting a complete vector of Theta estimates from Package LTM #11

Closed Sohnia closed 4 years ago

Sohnia commented 4 years ago

I am using package LTM to estimate a Rasch model: irtestimates <- rasch(binRasch) theta.est <- factor.scores(irtestimates,method="EAP")

The problem is that this does not return a vector of ALL the theta
estimates, rather it gives me a summary of theta estimates associated with each response pattern in my data along with the number of times each response pattern occurs. Any ideas on how to get the complete vector of theta estimates? Thanks,

Such as Science data in ltm, its length is 392, but the length factor.scores(Science,method="EAP") returns is 298.

drizopoulos commented 4 years ago

You can use factor.scores(irtestimates, resp.patterns = binRasch).