drizzle-team / drizzle-orm-docs

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Outdated example syntax in Constraint docs #435

Open man-bug opened 2 weeks ago

man-bug commented 2 weeks ago


The examples in the docs for table constraints (unique, check, etc) show an object return syntax for the extraConfig callback:

export const userNulls = pgTable('user_nulls_example', {
  id: integer('id').unique("custom_name", { nulls: 'not distinct' }),
}, (t) => ({
  unq: unique().on(t.id).nullsNotDistinct()

looks like that syntax was deprecated by a commit for RLS about a month ago & now it expects an array return:

export const userNulls = pgTable('user_nulls_example', {
  id: integer('id').unique("custom_name", { nulls: 'not distinct' }),
}, (t) => [

would also be helpful to add a note or something for this change since it's breaking from how constraints used to work in drizzle
