drizzle-team / drizzle-orm

Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too 😅
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE]: Postgres extensions - ltree & geospatial types support #671

Open trompx opened 1 year ago

trompx commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have been waiting a long time for ltree support in prisma but want to make the switch to drizzle (mainly for performance). I found nothing in the docs and wanting to know if it was already possible to use postgres ltree (via unknown column type that I saw mentioned in this issue https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/230 or raw queries)? If not what are your plans for postgres extensions support and ETA? For more details, here is the main "ltree support" prisma issue https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/2568. Thanks

LeonAlvarez commented 1 year ago

I'm currently working with ltee only had to setup a custom type

import { customType } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';

const ltree = customType<{ data: string }>({
  dataType() {
    return 'ltree';

export default ltree;

Then simply import and use it in your schema

path: ltree('path').notNull(),

AvidDabbler commented 9 months ago

This is currently an issue for me where I cannot use drizzle migrations due to finding geography_columns, geometry_columns, and spatial_ref_sys "tables"

trburger commented 8 months ago

Same issue here with PostGIS table and views. Would be nice to see an object (table, view) exclude configuration option that would work similar to the existing tablesFilter. It could support basic wild matching like tablesFilter plus allow for an explicit list of objects to exclude.


mauriciabad commented 5 months ago

Did anyone find a workarround for it?

When I try to run drizzle-kit push:pg I get this warning:

 Warning  Found data-loss statements:
· You're about to delete geometry_columns table with 3 items
· You're about to delete spatial_ref_sys table with 8500 items

And if I choose to push anyways it thorws this error:

error: "geography_columns" is not a table
    at /Users/maui/Projects/begursecret/node_modules/.pnpm/drizzle-kit@0.20.14/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:24462:21
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async PgPostgres.query (/Users/maui/Projects/begursecret/node_modules/.pnpm/drizzle-kit@0.20.14/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:25423:21)
    at async Command.<anonymous> (/Users/maui/Projects/begursecret/node_modules/.pnpm/drizzle-kit@0.20.14/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:63261:9) {
  length: 137,
  severity: 'ERROR',
  code: '42809',
  detail: undefined,
  hint: 'Use DROP VIEW to remove a view.',
  position: undefined,
  internalPosition: undefined,
  internalQuery: undefined,
  where: undefined,
  schema: undefined,
  table: undefined,
  column: undefined,
  dataType: undefined,
  constraint: undefined,
  file: 'tablecmds.c',
  line: '1332',
  routine: 'DropErrorMsgWrongType'

It started happening after I manually added this to the top of the migration file (drizzle/0000_last_xorn.sql):


Maybe this is not the proper way of "enabling" PostGIS... But I can't find any other.

mauriciabad commented 5 months ago

Related posts in discord:

AvidDabbler commented 5 months ago

I ended up just using prisma for schema management and drizzle for orm. It's not ideal but it's better than just prisma

LeonAlvarez commented 5 months ago

@AvidDabbler what the exact issue you had on schemas?

Dakuan commented 4 months ago

i've found myself here looking for a next gen ORM that can handle gis datatypes. Prisma can't, seems Drizzle can't either. This is unfortunate because Objection.js is being sunsetted, leaving node without a ORM that can handle GIS. while objection (and knex) still work, they don't play nicely with nextjs and other 'new world' environments.

dartmoordunbar commented 4 months ago

Agreed, this is where I am.

RDeluxe commented 4 months ago

i've found myself here looking for a next gen ORM that can handle gis datatypes. Prisma can't, seems Drizzle can't either. This is unfortunate because Objection.js is being sunsetted, leaving node without a ORM that can handle GIS. while objection (and knex) still work, they don't play nicely with nextjs and other 'new world' environments.

Mikro ORM does : https://mikro-orm.io/docs/custom-types

Dakuan commented 4 months ago

@RDeluxe but doesn't play nicely with nextjs https://github.com/mikro-orm/mikro-orm/discussions/3907

oristian commented 3 months ago

My current workflow for using Drizzle with PostGIS -

  1. drizzle-kit introspect:pg
  2. look through all the todos in the generated schema that reference "unknown" // Point, etc
  3. comment out those lines
  4. add relations which are not inferred from the schema
  5. change schema, add tables, do local development
  6. try to push - "oops - you're going to delete these Point columns!"
  7. decide not to push
  8. issue DDL commands to my database directly to add tables and columns
  9. save all the schema and relations changes I've made to the clipboard
  10. drizzle-kit introspect:pg
  11. look through all the todos in the generated schema that reference "unknown" // Point, etc
  12. comment out those lines
  13. paste back in my relations from the clipboard
  14. find gratitude in the ORM capabilites of Drizzle and check these open issues every so often for updates

With so many applications relying on PostGIS and proximity features, a simple "ignore those columns" feature would allow us all to enjoy the other benefits of the Drizzle/Kit lifecycle tools