drizzle-team / drizzle-orm

Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too 😅
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[BUG]: Relational queries break customTypes with underlying DECIMAL dataTypes #820

Open b0o opened 1 year ago

b0o commented 1 year ago

What version of drizzle-orm are you using?


What version of drizzle-kit are you using?


Describe the Bug

Here's a minimal reproduction of the issue:

import { relations, eq } from 'drizzle-orm'
import { bigint, customType, mysqlTable, serial, varchar } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core'
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/planetscale-serverless'
import { cast, connect } from '@planetscale/database'

import { env } from './env'

// fixed-precision monetary type
// both amount and scale are integers
// scale is the number of decimal places
// amount is the number of subunits
// e.g. $34,567.890123 is represented as { scale: 6, amount: 34567890123 }
interface Monetary {
  scale: number
  amount: number

const monetary = customType<{
  data: Monetary
  driverData: string
  config: { precision: number; scale: number }
  configRequired: true
  dataType(config) {
    return `DECIMAL(${config.precision}, ${config.scale})`
  fromDriver(value: string): Monetary {
    const [lhs, rhs] = value.split('.')
    const amount = parseInt(`${lhs}${rhs}`, 10)
    const scale = rhs?.length ?? 0
    return { amount, scale }
  toDriver(value) {
    const { amount, scale } = value
    const lhs = amount.toString().slice(0, -scale)
    const rhs = amount.toString().slice(-scale).padStart(scale, '0')
    return `${lhs || '0'}.${rhs || '0'}`

export const transfers = mysqlTable(
    id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
    fromAccount: bigint('from_account', { mode: 'number' }).notNull(),
    toAccount: bigint('to_account', { mode: 'number' }).notNull(),
    amount: monetary('amount', { precision: 20, scale: 6 }).notNull(),
    description: varchar('description', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
export const accounts = mysqlTable(
    id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
    balance: monetary('balance', { precision: 20, scale: 6 }).notNull(),
    name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),

export const transferAccounts = relations(transfers, ({ one }) => ({
  toAccount: one(accounts, {
    fields: [transfers.toAccount],
    references: [accounts.id],
  fromAccount: one(accounts, {
    fields: [transfers.fromAccount],
    references: [accounts.id],

const connection = connect({
  host: env.DATABASE_HOST,
  username: env.DATABASE_USERNAME,
  password: env.DATABASE_PASSWORD,
  cast: (field, value) => {
    // Log the cast calls so we can see what's happening under the hood
    console.log('cast called:', { field, value })
    return cast(field, value)

export const db = drizzle(connection, {
  logger: true,
  schema: {

async function test() {
  const { insertId: bobId } = await db.insert(accounts)
      balance: { amount: 123, scale: 2 },
      name: 'Bob',
  const bobAccount = await db.select()
    .where(eq(accounts.id, parseInt(bobId)))
  console.log({ bobAccount })

  const { insertId: aliceId } = await db.insert(accounts)
      balance: { amount: 456, scale: 2 },
      name: 'Alice',
  const aliceAccount = await db.select()
    .where(eq(accounts.id, parseInt(aliceId)))
  console.log({ aliceAccount })

  const { insertId: bobToAliceId } = await db.insert(transfers)
      fromAccount: parseInt(bobId),
      toAccount: parseInt(aliceId),
      amount: { amount: 100, scale: 2 },
      description: 'Bob to Alice',
  const bobToAliceTransfer = await db.select()
    .where(eq(transfers.id, parseInt(bobToAliceId)))
  console.log({ bobToAliceTransfer })

  const { insertId: aliceToBobId } = await db.insert(transfers)
      fromAccount: parseInt(aliceId),
      toAccount: parseInt(bobId),
      amount: { amount: 50, scale: 2 },
      description: 'Alice to Bob',
  const aliceToBobTransfer = await db.select()
    .where(eq(transfers.id, parseInt(aliceToBobId)))
  console.log({ aliceToBobTransfer })

  const bobToAliceWithRelations = await db.query.transfers.findFirst({
    where: eq(transfers.id, parseInt(bobToAliceId)),
    with: {
      fromAccount: true,
      toAccount: true,
  console.log({ bobToAliceWithRelations })


This is the console output (note the cast called messages, produced by the custom cast function we passed to Planetscale's database-js, which allows us to see the underlying values before they're cast in JS land):

Query: insert into `accounts` (`balance`, `name`) values (?, ?) -- params: ["1.23", "Bob"]
Query: select `id`, `balance`, `name` from `accounts` where `accounts`.`id` = ? -- params: [9]
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'id',
    type: 'UINT64',
    table: 'accounts',
    orgTable: 'accounts',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'id',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 49703
  value: '9'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'balance',
    type: 'DECIMAL',
    table: 'accounts',
    orgTable: 'accounts',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'balance',
    columnLength: 22,
    charset: 63,
    decimals: 6,
    flags: 36865
  value: '1.230000'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'name',
    type: 'VARCHAR',
    table: 'accounts',
    orgTable: 'accounts',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'name',
    columnLength: 1020,
    charset: 255,
    flags: 4097
  value: 'Bob'
{ bobAccount: [ { id: 9, balance: [Object], name: 'Bob' } ] }
Query: insert into `accounts` (`balance`, `name`) values (?, ?) -- params: ["4.56", "Alice"]
Query: select `id`, `balance`, `name` from `accounts` where `accounts`.`id` = ? -- params: [10]
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'id',
    type: 'UINT64',
    table: 'accounts',
    orgTable: 'accounts',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'id',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 49703
  value: '10'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'balance',
    type: 'DECIMAL',
    table: 'accounts',
    orgTable: 'accounts',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'balance',
    columnLength: 22,
    charset: 63,
    decimals: 6,
    flags: 36865
  value: '4.560000'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'name',
    type: 'VARCHAR',
    table: 'accounts',
    orgTable: 'accounts',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'name',
    columnLength: 1020,
    charset: 255,
    flags: 4097
  value: 'Alice'
{ aliceAccount: [ { id: 10, balance: [Object], name: 'Alice' } ] }
Query: insert into `transfers` (`from_account`, `to_account`, `amount`, `description`) values (?, ?, ?, ?) -- params: [9, 10, "1.00", "Bob to Alice"]
Query: select `id`, `from_account`, `to_account`, `amount`, `description` from `transfers` where `transfers`.`id` = ? -- params: [7]
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'id',
    type: 'UINT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'id',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 49703
  value: '7'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'from_account',
    type: 'INT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'from_account',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 36865
  value: '9'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'to_account',
    type: 'INT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'to_account',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 36865
  value: '10'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'amount',
    type: 'DECIMAL',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'amount',
    columnLength: 22,
    charset: 63,
    decimals: 6,
    flags: 36865
  value: '1.000000'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'description',
    type: 'VARCHAR',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'description',
    columnLength: 1020,
    charset: 255,
    flags: 4097
  value: 'Bob to Alice'
  bobToAliceTransfer: [
      id: 7,
      fromAccount: 9,
      toAccount: 10,
      amount: [Object],
      description: 'Bob to Alice'
Query: insert into `transfers` (`from_account`, `to_account`, `amount`, `description`) values (?, ?, ?, ?) -- params: [10, 9, "0.50", "Alice to Bob"]
Query: select `id`, `from_account`, `to_account`, `amount`, `description` from `transfers` where `transfers`.`id` = ? -- params: [8]
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'id',
    type: 'UINT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'id',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 49703
  value: '8'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'from_account',
    type: 'INT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'from_account',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 36865
  value: '10'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'to_account',
    type: 'INT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'to_account',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 36865
  value: '9'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'amount',
    type: 'DECIMAL',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'amount',
    columnLength: 22,
    charset: 63,
    decimals: 6,
    flags: 36865
  value: '0.500000'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'description',
    type: 'VARCHAR',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'description',
    columnLength: 1020,
    charset: 255,
    flags: 4097
  value: 'Alice to Bob'
  aliceToBobTransfer: [
      id: 8,
      fromAccount: 10,
      toAccount: 9,
      amount: [Object],
      description: 'Alice to Bob'
Query: select `id`, `from_account`, `to_account`, `amount`, `description`, cast(`fromAccount` as json), cast(`toAccount` as json) from (select `transfers`.`id`, `transfers`.`from_account`, `transfers`.`to_account`, `transfers`.`amount`, `transfers`.`description`, `transfers`.`fromAccount`, if(count(`transfers_toAccount`.`id`) = 0, '[]', json_arrayagg(json_array(`transfers_toAccount`.`id`, `transfers_toAccount`.`balance`, `transfers_toAccount`.`name`))) as `toAccount` from (select `transfers`.`id`, `transfers`.`from_account`, `transfers`.`to_account`, `transfers`.`amount`, `transfers`.`description`, if(count(`transfers_fromAccount`.`id`) = 0, '[]', json_arrayagg(json_array(`transfers_fromAccount`.`id`, `transfers_fromAccount`.`balance`, `transfers_fromAccount`.`name`))) as `fromAccount` from `transfers` left join `accounts` `transfers_fromAccount` on `transfers`.`from_account` = `transfers_fromAccount`.`id` group by `transfers`.`id`) `transfers` left join `accounts` `transfers_toAccount` on `transfers`.`to_account` = `transfers_toAccount`.`id` group by `transfers`.`id`) `transfers` where `transfers`.`id` = ? limit ? -- params: [7, 1]
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'id',
    type: 'UINT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'id',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 32801
  value: '7'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'from_account',
    type: 'INT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'from_account',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 36865
  value: '9'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'to_account',
    type: 'INT64',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'to_account',
    columnLength: 20,
    charset: 63,
    flags: 36865
  value: '10'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'amount',
    type: 'DECIMAL',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'amount',
    columnLength: 22,
    charset: 63,
    decimals: 6,
    flags: 36865
  value: '1.000000'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'description',
    type: 'VARCHAR',
    table: 'transfers',
    orgTable: 'transfers',
    database: 'test',
    orgName: 'description',
    columnLength: 1020,
    charset: 255,
    flags: 4097
  value: 'Bob to Alice'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'cast(fromAccount as json)',
    type: 'JSON',
    columnLength: 4294967292,
    charset: 255,
    decimals: 31,
    flags: 128
  value: '[[9, 1.23, "Bob"]]'
cast called: {
  field: {
    name: 'cast(toAccount as json)',
    type: 'JSON',
    columnLength: 4294967292,
    charset: 255,
    decimals: 31,
    flags: 128
  value: '[[10, 4.56, "Alice"]]'
TypeError: value.split is not a function or its return value is not iterable
    at MySqlCustomColumn.fromDriver (**/proj/src/db.ts:28:30)
    at MySqlCustomColumn.mapFromDriverValue (**/proj/node_modules/src/mysql-core/columns/custom.ts:89:52)
    at mapRelationalRow (**/proj/node_modules/src/relations.ts:556:66)
    at mapRelationalRow (**/proj/node_modules/src/relations.ts:526:8)
    at <anonymous> (**/proj/node_modules/src/mysql-core/query-builders/query.ts:111:39)
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous> (**/proj/node_modules/src/mysql-core/query-builders/query.ts:111:26)
    at PlanetScalePreparedQuery.execute (**/proj/node_modules/src/planetscale-serverless/session.ts:51:11)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at test (**/proj/src/db.ts:143:35)

Important things to note in the output:

Expected behavior

Custom types should behave the same in both normal and relational queries.

Environment & setup

No response

ngregrichardson commented 1 year ago

I just ran into the problem with a bit of a simpler setup:

export const addresses = pgTable('addresses', {
  id: uuid('id').defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
  latitude: decimal('latitude', {
    precision: 8,
    scale: 6,
  longitude: decimal('longitude', {
    precision: 9,
    scale: 6,

export const userAddresses = pgTable(
    addressId: uuid('address_id')
      .references(() => addresses.id, {
        onDelete: 'cascade',
    name: text('name'),
  (table) => ({
    addressIdUserIdNamePk: primaryKey(table.addressId)

With this setup, if I just query addresses like

const regular = (
      await this.drizzleService.db.select().from(addresses).limit(1)

I get

      "id": "21c0ff1e-3065-4457-bd48-ab5ad05afc55",
      "latitude": "30.241401",
      "longitude": "-97.752413"

Using the RQB like

const rqb = await this.drizzleService.db.query.addresses.findFirst();

also gives the same response. However, when you query using the RQB relation, like

const rqb = await this.drizzleService.db.query.userAddresses.findFirst({
      with: {
        address: true,

you get

      "addressId": "97ee01f0-2ab1-479b-9dc9-bdfeba2607d8",
      "address": {
        "id": "97ee01f0-2ab1-479b-9dc9-bdfeba2607d8",
        "latitude": 39.952406,
        "longitude": -75.187326
Angelelz commented 10 months ago

This issue is very interesting. The main problem is that mysql will encode decimal as regular numbers when serializing to json. Since the RQB relies on json aggregation to be fast, it ends up receiving a number instead of a string. I don't think there's a workaround right now, other that just using the regular crud API.

I just opened a PR that fixes this issue for decimal in #1688, in your case my fix won't work because your column is not exactly decimal. My fix is going to look specifically for decimal columns and will cast it to char at the database, that way it's serialized to json properly.

In your case you are going to have to wait for #1694. That's PR that fixes another issue when using the extras columns in RQB. When that PR is merged, you'll have to manually cast your column to char and user mapWith to parse it with you column decoder accordingly. Like this:

const bobToAliceWithRelations = await db.query.transfers.findFirst({
    where: eq(transfers.id, parseInt(bobToAliceId)),
    with: {
      fromAccount: {
        columns: { balance: false },
        extras: { balance: sql`cast(${account.balance} to char)`.mapWith(account.balance).as('balance') }
      toAccount: {
        columns: { balance: false },
        extras: { balance: sql`cast(${account.balance} to char)`.mapWith(account.balance).as('balance') }