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factorial problem in quiz #327

Closed cchuang2009 closed 2 years ago

cchuang2009 commented 2 years ago

Sorry to close by accidentally. Here an example:

Here the example as follows:
whatever the answer was input, it always is treated as correct, for example: in answer[2], input e, it was treated as correct answer:



$a=rand(2,4) $b=rand(1,4) $c=rand(1,5) $d=rand(1,4) $e=rand(2,9)

$question1=" Consider $a/($b+x), expandeded at x=0, is \sum_{n=0}^oo a_n x^n."

$answer[0]="$a*(-1)^n/$b^(n+1)" $answer[1]="(-$b,$b)"

$question2=" Consider 1/x, expandeded at x=$c, is \sum_{n=0}^oo a_n (x-$c)^n."

$answer[2]="(-1)^n/$c^(n+1)" $answer[3]="(0,2*$c)"

$question3=" Consider 1/($d+x)^2, expandeded at x=0, is \sum_{n=0}^oo a_n x^n."

$answer[4]="(-1)^n*(n+1)/$d^(n+2)" $answer[5]="(-$d,$d)"

$question4=" Infinite series, (1+x)^p where p\lt0, is called binary series,"

$answer[6]="(-1,1)" $answer[7]="n(2*n-2)!"

$answer[8]="(2 n)!" $answer[9]="(-$e,$e)"

As well known result:

1/(1-x)=\sum_{n=0}^oo x^n for |x|<1.

Consider the following questions:

$question1 coefficient, a_n, is $answerbox[0]; the series is convergent if x in interval, I, and I= $answerbox[1]. $question2 coefficient, a_n, is $answerbox[2]; the series is convergent if x in interval, I, and I= $answerbox[3]. $question3 coefficient, a_n, is $answerbox[4]; the series is convergent if x in interval, I, and I= $answerbox[5]. $question4 the binary series is convergent if x in interval, I, and I= $answerbox[6]. For p=1/2, and the series is expandand at x=0 is \sum_{n=0}^oo (-1)^n{a_n}/{2^(2n-1)(n!)^2} x^n where a_n is $answerbox[7]. For p=-1/2, and the series is expandand at x=0 is \sum_{n=0}^oo (-1)^n{a_n}/{2^(2n)(n!)^2} x^n where a_n is $answerbox[8]. Consider the f(x)=1/{($e+x)^(1/3)}. Its binaray series is convergent for x\in I, i.e. I = $answerbox[9]. Note:

Euler number,e, input by e, for example: e^2 = e^2 = exp(2), Open interval, \{x \in\mathbb{R} ∣ a \lt x \lt b\}, input by (a,b), closed interval, \{x \in\mathbb{R} ∣ a \le x \le b\} , input by [a,b], n!, factorial of n, input by n!. oo, positive infinty, input by oo.

drlippman commented 2 years ago

$answer[2] doesn't even have a factorial in it, so factorials aren't the issue.

The issue here is that (-1)^n is undefined for non integer n. Imathas will mark any answer right if the $answer is undefined at all test points, as is happening here. This isn't a system issue, but an error in the question coding.

To fix this, you need to restrict n to integer values. With $variables="x,n" you could do this using $domain="-10,10,0,10,integers". That will set the x domain to real values -10 to 10, and the n domain to 0 to 10 integers.