Open lhoranportelance opened 1 month ago
Thi @lhoranportelance , thanks for your post. Can you provide the output from singularity inspect Demuxafy.sif
? I want to see what version of the singularity image you have installed. Thanks!
@drneavin here's the output:
singularity inspect Demuxafy.sif
Author: = Drew Neavin
Image_version: = v3.0.0
Software: = Demuxafy amd64 Tuesday_4_June_2024_14:1:56_UTC
org.label-schema.schema-version: 1.0
org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.bootstrap: library
org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.from: ubuntu:20.04
org.label-schema.usage.singularity.version: 3.11.3-dirty
and so you have it, here was the command I executed that did work:
singularity exec --bind /data/... Demuxafy.sif --CELL_BC_FILE $BARCODES \
--INPUT_BAM $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/possorted_genome_bam_dropulation_tag.bam \
--OUTPUT $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/assignments.tsv.gz \
and here was the command that didn't work:
singularity exec --bind /data/... Demuxafy.sif DetectDoublets --CELL_BC_FILE $BARCODES \
--INPUT_BAM $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/possorted_genome_bam_dropulation_tag.bam \
--OUTPUT $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/likelihoods.tsv.gz \
--VCF $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/assignment.vcf \
(changed file paths for HPC)
@drneavin I believe I may have solved my own problem again, but I'm not sure why or how it worked.
All I did was add "--" after "DetectDoublets" in the command (as suggested here:, and it seems to be working.
singularity exec --bind /data/... Demuxafy.sif DetectDoublets -- --CELL_BC_FILE $BARCODES \
--INPUT_BAM $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/possorted_genome_bam_dropulation_tag.bam \
--OUTPUT $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/likelihoods.tsv.gz \
--VCF $DROPULATION_OUTDIR/assignment.vcf \
I really have no idea why it was required for this command but I didn't have to do it for AssignCellsToSamples. May be something to look into for documentation purposes.
Apologies for the confusion! Liam
Hi again @drneavin :)
I got the error I was having on AssignCellsToSamples fixed yesterday. However, I'm now having a different error when running the DetectDoublets step of Dropulation. It seems to be the same thing you were experiencing here with AssignCellsToSamples:
I'm getting the same "Illegal argument value: Positional arguments were provided" error for the first variable in my command. I was running my command with the options set as --OPTION. I tried switching to OPTION=, but it then gave the "positional argument" error on every option in the command rather than just the first one. It's especially weird because I didn't run into this issue with AssignCellsToSamples--it's only popped up with DetectDoublets. I'm not sure if you maybe changed something in AssignCellsToSamples but not DetectDoublets? Or is there a fix that I'm not entirely understanding from that other thread?
Thanks in advance :) Liam