drobakowski / awesome-erlang

A curated list of awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
1.64k stars 209 forks source link

Maintainers #72

Open expelledboy opened 6 years ago

expelledboy commented 6 years ago

@drobakowski If you would like I could take over the responsibility of maintaining this list? I am very interested in bringing Erlang into the mainstream use.

fogfish commented 6 years ago


niamtokik commented 1 year ago

hey here, at @Erlang-Punch we forked this project and started to update it with new references, more project and more features. If you are interested @fogfish and @expelledboy.

GPrimola commented 1 year ago

@niamtokik do you plan to open PRs with that new references you've added to this repository or do you plan to have them only on your fork?

niamtokik commented 1 year ago

@GPrimola I'm planning to modify in depth this project, so, I don't think I will open PRs in the future. I wanted to do it, but without having the control on this repository, it will take too much time.

drobakowski commented 1 year ago

Hi there, thanks for caring about maintaining this list and trying to bring further mainstream adoption for Erlang. I‘m currently trying to contact the erlang community manager in order to find a good and responsible solution for an active maintenance of this list. I‘ll keep you updated.

expelledboy commented 1 year ago

If we could move this repo to erlang/awesome-erlang (next to erlang/otp) and then put everyone here thats interested in maintaining the list onto the collaborators I thing that would be the best for the community

drobakowski commented 1 year ago

@expelledboy this is what I also had in mind and why I wrote an email to the community manager of erlang/otp. Let's see what they think and I keep you in the loop.

Maartz commented 1 year ago

@drobakowski this list seems to be inactive for a too long period of time. You said

I‘m currently trying to contact the Erlang community manager in order to find a good and responsible solution for an active maintenance of this list. I‘ll keep you updated.

This is exactly what Niamtokik is doing, his one is active and up to date with more things about Erlang. If one should be put in the Erlang repo it would be this one.