drobbins / Dashboard

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Cannot retrieve Liver Clinic patient record #27

Open fguyton opened 10 years ago

fguyton commented 10 years ago

There is at least one patient record entered, but the record does not show on the continuum of patient records and I cannot click on/open the record. See below:


HOWEVER, the record CAN BE retrieved by selecting all of the "October DREFER" patient records, and scrolling down the page to observe the records for the liver clinic. One record is listed for October and can be opened for viewing.



drobbins commented 10 years ago

After looking into this, I believe I know the issue. In order to appear on the Dashboard, a record must have a "Visit Date", which is essentially any date in the record except the referral date, today's date, or the data date. Of the three Liver records, only one has a Visit Date.

I've created a new issue (#28) with the idea of developing a view for records like these that have errors preventing them from showing up in places like the dashboard.

fguyton commented 10 years ago

Hi David,

Why can’t the restriction be set to the DTREFER field for inclusion on the Dashboard?

DTREFER is required in order for a record to even appear in the clinical dataset. Without this field, the record cannot be saved. Also, this is the record that I use to determine when the patient was “inducted” into our program, as this is when they were first made aware of our existence. Therefore, shouldn’t DTREFER be the primary key and only linking date for inclusion?


drobbins commented 10 years ago

[Note: deleted duplicate comment]

DTREFER is currently used as the primary key as you described. However, records without Visit Dates are missing key stats, such as lag, and so haven't been included in the dashboard view. With the current framework for the graphics, if a record is missing a particular value (e.g. days between referral and appointment), it won't show up in any of the visualizations (including the table).

fguyton commented 10 years ago

So if I understand the logistical programming, the records are not represented on the dashboard via each individual data point (i.e.: ONLY clinical trials, ONLY lag time), but rather, all data "date" fields must be present within the records to populate each data point to display on the dashbaord as an illustrated grouping.

In other words, you can't view only one specific data point, but all data points are linked and displayed on the dashboard together. Correct?

Can the records be displayed for each of the data points separately? Or, is it a must within the program that the data points be displayed together and all on one page?

fguyton commented 10 years ago


