droboports / crashplan

CrashPlan DroboApp build scripts
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Backup directories shows as 0 MB #18

Closed smenzer closed 8 years ago

smenzer commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if this is a problem with the crashplan droboport or something else, so thought I'd start here in case you can help.

I was able to use the CrashPlan UI to access my drobo and setup files to backup. However, after initially scanning the directories and starting a backup, now it is showing each directory as 0MB even though there are gigabytes of data inside: image

# pwd

# du -hd1 .
720.4G  ./DroboApps
48.0G   ./Backup
66.9G   ./Photos
67.4G   ./Music
902.7G  .

# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx    6 Admin    Admin        4096 Oct 17 16:35 .
drwxrwxrwx    6 Admin    Admin        4096 Nov  6 12:44 ..
drwxrwxrwx   14 Admin    Admin        4096 Nov  5 08:36 Backup
drwxrwxrwx   11 Admin    Admin        4096 Nov  6 13:03 DroboApps
drwxrwxrwx  509 Admin    Admin       20480 Oct 31 13:39 Music
drwxrwxrwx   49 Admin    Admin        4096 Oct 29 13:51 Photos

I've tried forcing a rescan (using the crashplan UI to enter the scan command in the command prompt) but it didn't change anything. Any thoughts on what's going on or what I can do to correct it?

ricardopadilha commented 8 years ago

Which Drobo do you have (FS or 5N)? Which firmware are you running? Which version of Drobo Dashboard?

Did you start Crashplan as root? I see that all files are owned by Admin. Maybe it is a permission problem.

smenzer commented 8 years ago

Hi @ricardopadilha - I have the Drobo FS running 1.2.7 [4.45.10288] and Dashboard version 2.7.0 [77097]

When you say "start Crashplan as root", do you mean when I log into the Drobo via command line? If so, then yes, I ssh to the drobo using root username.

Regarding permissions, since the directories and files are all permissioned to 777 shouldn't it not really matter who owns them?


ricardopadilha commented 8 years ago

Ok, can you see the configuration page at http://drobo.ip.address.here:8080/crashplan/ ?

If so, can you please post the logs somewhere? Be careful, there is some private information there.

I'm looking for error messages and java exceptions.

smenzer commented 8 years ago

Yep, I can get to the config page. I copied the whole "Log Information" section into a text file and put it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4krx0v93r9rka2g/DroboLogs%2011-09-15.log?dl=0 - please let me know once you have read it so I can take it down.

Thanks! Scott

ricardopadilha commented 8 years ago

I had a look at the log files, and things seem to be working. Have a look at this (history.log.0):

I 11/05/15 12:09PM Backup scheduled to always run
I 11/05/15 12:09PM [Default] Scanning for files to back up
I 11/05/15 12:10PM Archive maintenance for Drobo XXXX.
I 11/05/15 12:37PM [Default] Scanning for files completed in 28 minutes: 99,443 files (143.60GB) found
I 11/05/15 01:46PM Archive maintenance: Complete for Drobo XXXX.
I 11/05/15 06:33PM Starting backup from XXXX: 1,075 files (144.40MB) to back up
I 11/05/15 06:40PM Starting backup from XXXX: 1,056 files (141.20MB) to back up
I 11/05/15 06:55PM Stopped backup from XXXX in 15 minutes: 0 files (1.30MB) backed up, 2.30MB received @ 1Mbps
I 11/05/15 06:55PM  - Reason for stopping backup: The backup destination was disconnected

You seem to have a filesystem error. Look at this from backup_files.log.0:

W 11/07/15 05:15AM 42  - Jericho.m4a�QeM�����Ҕ��3�1���_&�F���H�c��/�3#���E/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/15 Wishing.m4a�ФM���xv��ӥ��I��    �3F���H�c��/�3#���\/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/16 Life In A Northern Town [Live].m4a�L�M���8NkmM���Z;��R���F���H�c��/�3#���J/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/07 Already Gone.m4ax@�M���H̟�����O@�R{6F���H�c��/�3#���T/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/12 Very Last Country Song.m4a��jM���ȓ[{m�U��{4�k=ބF���H�c��/�3#���B/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/04 Joey.m4a�   �M��ɨ���6����S�U2F���H�c��/�3#���K/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/10 What I'd Give.m4a�cLM��� ��H�V�|�^5�b&̤F���H�c��/�3#���F/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/08 Keep You.m4a�1�M���!��{"ڃ��|�F���H�c��/�3#���J/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/13 Fall Into Me.m4a�\M����o��S*������)F���H�c��/�3#���W/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/17 Come On Get Higher [Live].m4a�<>M����2Mj����vN�(OǦ8�F���H�c��/�3#���M/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/09 Take Me As I Am.m4a��M�����Bԍ�5᧎���@�F���H�c��/�3#���B/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/05 Love.m4av�hM���`�=be_/=�    ����F���H�c��/�3#���I/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/11 Steve Earle.m4aonWM���P�0ڸ�m �vY���4F���H�c��/�3#���G/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/06 Genevieve.m4a~=M����t�3&��R�Zs�j�J�F���H�c��/�3#���D/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/03 We Run.m4avD�M���@.����?�p�q�PF���H�c��/�3#���N/mnt/DroboFS/Shares/Music/Sugarland/Love On The Inside/01 All I Want To Do.m4a�q�M���x�H�g��

This looks like some pretty bad filesystem corruption. Please have a look at this support article from Drobo: http://support.drobo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/500