drofphilosophe / USElecData

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CEMS build error #39

Open backslashpaige opened 1 year ago

backslashpaige commented 1 year ago

It looks like we have hourly, daily, and monthly .parquet files for CEMS. And I'm getting this error now. I looked for a file name that is similar and I see that in that folder I do have a file called "monthly-CEMS-all.rds.gz" while the file it's looking for is called "CEMS_All_Months.rds.gz". could it be as simple as a name issue?


drofphilosophe commented 1 year ago

@backslashpaige - I've pushed a change to main that should fix this problem. It was looking for an old version of the full monthly data (which I think you'd never built anyway). I've moved to using the parquet version (which you should have since loadCEMSData.R completed successfully.

You should need to rerun USElecData.sh build CEMS_Operations to try to build this file again. I think USElecData.sh build CEMS should work too since it only updates files that need updating. Feel free to close this issue if this works.

backslashpaige commented 1 year ago

Okay great. I just re-pulled mains and ran build CEMS_Operations and now get an error that I'm missing pandas...


drofphilosophe commented 1 year ago

@backslashpaige - Apparently I didn't include pandas in the list of python packages to install. I've added it to the conda config file. You could delete the environment, pull the repo and initialize it again. It should be able to install pandas without too many conflicts, so you should just be able to install it manually with

conda install -c conda-forge pandas

I'd go with that first.

backslashpaige commented 1 year ago

awesome, thanks. the manual pandas install seemed to work. re running the CEMS build now. will be in touch.