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to @corsicanu Regarding the GoodLock Patch #20

Open drogga opened 1 year ago

drogga commented 1 year ago

@corsicanu Hi. Two years ago I've sent you an E-Mail regarding your patched GoodLock app, still no response from you.., do you read your inbox at all ?

corsicanu commented 1 year ago

If i ignored you then, it means your text was as worthless as this ping, so i don't really know what to answer. Care to refresh my memory since you summoned me out of nowhere?

drogga commented 1 year ago

Well it's not like there's a PM functionality here or anything\something like that, so this was the only other way for me to reach you (if I exclude the E-Mail), the other would've been - creating an issue ticket in some of your repos, but that would've been off-topic and some might even define or consider it as spam, so NVM then, apologies for bothering \ tagging you, or as you put it - summoning you.

Anyway (just for the record), it was about a changed icon to a old version's one, why haven't you bypassed the splash screen and asked you how did you patched the integrity check(s), since when I resign some of the Samsung's apps (ones that aren't pre-installed \ build-in the system, or untouched already being installed) they don't \ didn't want to install or refuse to work. This was long time ago, feedback based on old vers., so IDK how applicable is now.

corsicanu commented 1 year ago

Same thing happens if i touch modules or any other app that has system implications, however GoodLock manager serves only as a downloader and opener shortcut to untouched modules, so it's fine resigning. As for the contact thing, your question had nothing to do with GoodLock itself, more like you wanted guidance on modding apps, which i don't offer, hence ignoring the email. Regards.