droher / boxball

Prebuilt Docker images with Retrosheet's complete baseball history data for many analytical frameworks. Includes Postgres, cstore_fdw, MySQL, SQLite, Clickhouse, Drill, Parquet, and CSV.
Apache License 2.0
117 stars 16 forks source link

Add foreign keys to schema #61

Open segiddins opened 3 years ago

segiddins commented 3 years ago

Without foreign keys, tools such as https://github.com/graphile/postgraphile are unable to infer the relationships between the tables.

If you're interested in this addition, I'd be happy to come up with a PR adding it!

droher commented 3 years ago

Unlikely to get to it myself, but absolutely, would be great to have if you wanted to take a shot at it. The only requirement from my end would be to avoid causing issues with the output images that don't have FK support.