droidconKE / droidconKeKotlin

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Feature/designsystem #249

Closed janewaitara closed 6 months ago

janewaitara commented 6 months ago


Please make sure to read the Contribution Guidelines and check that you understand and have followed it as best as possible Explain what your feature does in a short paragraph. please check the below boxes

Closes/Fixes Issues

Declare any issues by typing fixes #1 or closes #1 for example so that the automation can kick in when this is merged

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What have you tested specifically and what possible impacts/areas there are that may need retesting by others.

Design system issues worked on:



wangerekaharun commented 6 months ago

@janewaitara is this ready for meging?

janewaitara commented 6 months ago

@wangerekaharun It's now ready. However, I have not worked on creating specific components for the Buttons and Radio buttons but they are updated as per the designs.

michaelbukachi commented 6 months ago

Hey @janewaitara Love the changes. Do you mind breaking the PR Into smaller PRs? Congestible PRs?😵

janewaitara commented 6 months ago

Hey @janewaitara Love the changes. Do you mind breaking the PR Into smaller PRs? Congestible PRs?😵

Hey @michaelbukachi. How do we break it into smaller PRs?