droiddeveloper1 / android-wear-gestures-recognition

Android Wear Gesture Recognizer. This combined Android Wear/Android Mobile application attempts to recognize some basic gestures/motions from a wearable. Several gestures are predefined(circle, line, vee, triangle, square) and their motion coefficients precomputed.
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 3 forks source link

where to download lib orson-charts-android-1.1.jar #1

Open ptofga opened 8 years ago

ptofga commented 8 years ago

hi It is lack of lib orson-charts-android-1.1.jar in module mobile in this sample. I don't know where i can download it. I checked the official site of osson chats. but cannot find it. Could you please give me some hint how to download it or send it to me ptofga@hotmail.com. thanks.

droiddeveloper1 commented 8 years ago

Orson Charts (for Android): http://www.object-refinery.com/orsoncharts/android/index.html

It is not a free library so I could not include it in the project upload.