Closed AlexKolpa closed 8 years ago
Luckily, if you'd use the Utils.d/m method, it already doesn't! it checks if you are on a debug build :)
public static void d(final String message, int padStack) {
if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) return;
Another reason to use it besides the useful stacktrace log, yaay!
Perhaps I should create more for errors and warnings? and allow the passing of exceptions? Also, 1 stacktrace is sometimes not enough, but printing the full stack can be way to much. Perhaps I can add 1 or 2 parent elements in the same line (just make sure you don't have wordwrapping on when in logcat, otherwise the list is bloated)?
So, everyone, use Utils
At this point, a lot of stuff is logged to LogCat. While this is great for debugging, it also shows any willing listeners the existence of our app. We should really remove all this logging from the final release.