drok / NetworkExtensions3

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Recompile Issue after Cloning in VS #10

Closed XavierT31830 closed 2 years ago

XavierT31830 commented 2 years ago

I can't recompile the project in VS, i wanted to make personal translations for me and recompile the project in VS but i can't or maybe i don't know how... (i am just starting to learn and understand coding and its tools like VS and VS code)

So, i open the "Network Extensions 3.sln" and i have this error message : Message d'erreur

Then, into VS it looks like this : Affichage VS

The error messages are : C:\Users\Mamy la Puce\Desktop\Cours Velum\Test DLL- UPDATE_NetworkExtensions3\ObjUnity3D\ObjUnity3D.csproj : error : impossible d'évaluer l'expression "[MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('')". La longueur du paramètre "path" ne peut pas être égale à zéro. C:\Users\Mamy la Puce\Desktop\Cours Velum\Test DLL- UPDATE_NetworkExtensions3\CitySkylinesPath.props

Same message for all the nine .csproj :

ObjUnity3D.csproj Transit.Addon.csproj Transit.Addon.PathFinding.csproj Transit.Addon.RoadExtensions.csproj Transit.Addon.Tools.csproj Transit.Framework.csproj Transit.Framework.ExtensionPoints.csproj Transit.Framework.Hooks.csproj Transit.Framework.Redirection.csproj

Maybe the solution is simple... and I'll probably look like an idiot but that's okay, I would have asked ^^

drok commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the bug report. I pushed the fix to master.

This error was due to Unity not being installed, and the project setup assuming it was. Unity is only needed in Debug configuration to generate *.mdb symbol files.

The project will now correctly detect Unity, and ignore it in Release mode, or error out with instructions to install Unity in Debug mode.