drolbr / Overpass-API

A database engine to query the OpenStreetMap data.
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Residual bug in Way_Updater #710

Open drolbr opened 8 months ago

drolbr commented 8 months ago

The public database currently shows for example on the query [date:"2023-10-25T00:00:00Z"];way(404135463); the error

Way 404135463 cannot be expanded at timestamp 2023-10-25T18:12:34Z.

After some investigation it is clear that there is indeed a broken way entry in the database, but also it looks like currently no other way is affected. There is a delta compressed way version of this way for which the reference sits on a different index. The most likely cause is a rather arcane bug in way_updater that cause the bad data to be written. The precise bug is yet unknown.

mmd-osm commented 8 months ago

Many but not all other instances I'm aware of are also impacted:

Host Version Status
//overpass.osmcha.org/api/ 74a55df1 broken
//maps.mail.ru/osm/tools/overpass/api/ 74a55df1 broken
//overpass.m....dev/api/ b1080abd broken
//overpass.kumi.systems/api/ e2dc3e5b ok
dev drolbr e2dc3e5b broken
dev mmd (mmd) 16d06a6e ok
drolbr commented 8 months ago

It looks like this affects only one version of one way. The following patch program has been applied to the public databases to fix the defect version:

#include "overpass_api/core/datatypes.h"
#include "overpass_api/core/settings.h"
#include "template_db/block_backend_write.h"
#include "template_db/dispatcher_client.h"
#include "template_db/transaction.h"

int main(int argc, char* args[])
  Attic< Way_Delta > way(
      Way_Delta(Way_Skeleton(), Way_Skeleton(404135463,
          { 1571656126ull, 4520945912ull, 1571656431ull, 1571656414ull, 1571656506ull, 1571656037ull,
            1571656516ull, 1571656432ull, 1571656248ull, 4520945911ull, 1571656108ull, 1571656126ull
          }, {})),
      Timestamp(2023, 10, 25, 18, 12, 34).timestamp);

  std::cout<<Timestamp(way.timestamp).str()<<' '<<way.full;
  for (auto i : way.nds_added)

  std::map< Uint31_Index, std::set< Attic< Way_Delta > > > to_insert;
  to_insert.insert({ Uint31_Index(0xe192676d), { way } });

  Dispatcher_Client dispatcher_client(osm_base_settings().shared_name);

    Nonsynced_Transaction transaction(true, false, dispatcher_client.get_db_dir(), "");

    Block_Backend< Uint31_Index, Attic< Way_Delta > >
    into_db.update(to_insert, to_insert);


  return 0;

It con be compiled with g++ -o patch_way -DHAVE_LZ4 -I./ ~/patch_way.cc overpass_api/core/settings.cc template_db/dispatcher_client.cc template_db/types.cc template_db/zlib_wrapper.cc template_db/lz4_wrapper.cc -lz -llz4 -lrt. Then execute it once while not update process is active.

mmd-osm commented 8 months ago

I believe migrate_start and migrate_commit were added fairly recently only, maybe in 0.7.60. Is there an easy way to also apply the update on older releases?