drom / LEB128

Little Endian Base 128 converters
MIT License
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parametrize with template engine #4

Open drom opened 7 years ago

drom commented 7 years ago

@piranna Verilog is not very good for configuring you modules. One simple (popular) way of dealing with the issue is to keep template of the design and generate multiple verilog files from it. In JS land we have ton of template engines like lodash.template for example. So we can keep something like this under GIT:

module unpack_${ obj.inputDataWidth }_${ obj.signed ? 'i' : 'u' }${ obj.outputDataWidth } (
    input  [${ obj.inputDataWidth - 1 } : 0] di,
    output [${  obj.outPutDataWidth - 1 } : 0] do
piranna commented 7 years ago

Using templates could be an option, but feels a bit hacky, not sure if we should give generate another try first... Until something is decided we could have versions for several widths.

drom commented 7 years ago

Verilog generate has very limited functionality and it is pretty useless for any sizable practical purpose. You can toy with it, but sooner or later you will need meta language on top of verilog.