dromse / obsidian-gamified-tasks

Gamify your task management with rewards system, craft your tasks by tags.
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[Feature]: add `task` and `ignore` tags for parsing modes #48

Open dromse opened 1 month ago

dromse commented 1 month ago

Proposal: Introducing New Parsing Modes for Tasks by Tags

Objective: This proposal aims to make task management easier within the plugin by introducing parsing modes and tags for them. These tags will help users include or exclude specific tasks based on their needs, improving organization and productivity.

New Tags: Two new tags will be introduced:

  1. ignore: Use this tag to hide tasks that you don't want to see.
  2. task: Use this tag to mark tasks that are important and should be displayed.

Why it matters: Sometimes, you have tasks that you don't want cluttering your view. Other times, you want to focus only on specific tasks. These tags will help you do just that, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

How it works: Two new modes will be introduced:

  1. Default Mode:

    • Tasks without tags will show up by default.
    • Tasks marked with the ignore tag will be hidden.
  2. Parse By Tag Mode:

    • By toggling a setting, you can switch to this mode.
    • Only tasks marked with the task tag will be displayed.
    • You can see task without task only in Active File mode, you can use craft tags.


<!-- Default Mode -->
- [ ] Important Task -> Visible
- [ ] Task to Ignore #ignore -> Hidden, Visible only on `Active File` mode
- [ ] Task to Ignore With Craft Tag #ignore #count/0/4 -> Hidden, Visible only on `Active File` mode

<!-- Task Tag Mode -->
- [ ] Important Task #task -> Visible
- [ ] Task to Ignore -> Hidden, Visible only on `Active File` mode
- [ ] Task to Ignore With Craft Tag #count/0/4 -> Hidden, Visible only on `Active File` mode

Conclusion: By adding simple tags to tasks, we're giving you more control over what you see. This means less clutter and more focus on what's important. It's a small change that can make a big difference in how you manage your tasks.

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