drone-plugins / drone-pushover

Drone plugin for sending build status notifications via Pushover
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

Plugin always fails: "panic: Helper function must return a string or a SafeString: encryptAES" #17

Open ArBleiziMor opened 1 year ago

ArBleiziMor commented 1 year ago

Since the last update (two weeks ago) this plugin always fails with the following error:

latest: Pulling from plugins/pushover
Digest: sha256:8960d23f0a732a29b680188432166b0b070006b054f2dd3d9f86c75a03b06c11
Status: Downloaded newer image for plugins/pushover:latest

panic: Helper function must return a string or a SafeString: encryptAES

goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/aymerick/raymond.ensureValidHelper({0x816c05, 0xa}, {0x7b8480?, 0x84c218?, 0xc00019a000?})
        /go/pkg/mod/github.com/aymerick/raymond@v2.0.2+incompatible/helper.go:68 +0xd3
github.com/aymerick/raymond.RegisterHelper({0x816c05, 0xa}, {0x7b8480?, 0x84c218})
        /go/pkg/mod/github.com/aymerick/raymond@v2.0.2+incompatible/helper.go:47 +0x1d3
        /go/pkg/mod/github.com/drone/drone-template-lib@v1.0.0/template/helpers.go:55 +0x387

Could you please take a look?

I love this plugin and I don't want to live without it anymore. Thanks in advance!

samcro1967 commented 1 year ago

@ArBleiziMor Seems like this puling might have been abandoned???? Did you find a working alternative?