drone / go-convert

Package convert provides tools for converting pipeline configuration files to the Drone format.
Apache License 2.0
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fix: parallel steps now downgrade correctly #167

Closed jimsheldon closed 8 months ago

jimsheldon commented 8 months ago

Here https://github.com/drone/go-convert/blob/1817d714609fe3a6382ecc62ba13b15669f68744/convert/harness/downgrader/downgrade.go#L390

This logic is for each potential step type, parallel is one potential type.

tphoney commented 8 months ago



This logic is for each potential step type, parallel is one potential type.

i was just wondering, because the return type changed.

jimsheldon commented 8 months ago

Here https://github.com/drone/go-convert/blob/1817d714609fe3a6382ecc62ba13b15669f68744/convert/harness/downgrader/downgrade.go#L390

This logic is for each potential step type, parallel is one potential type.

i was just wondering, because the return type changed.

Yes that's why I had to change the Parallel struct https://github.com/drone/go-convert/pull/167/files#diff-71c6fc65c4f1adbb3e954d36d0829488e42fb35a3a78cfdb2224f2869fb609d9R100