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エアロボウイング導入 プレスリリース作成 #25

Open mapconcierge opened 3 years ago

mapconcierge commented 3 years ago


mapconcierge commented 3 years ago

タイトル検討 MEMO

【PressRelease】災害ドローン救援隊DRONEBIRD に新型VTOLを配備しました | CrisisMappers Japan, NPO

mapconcierge commented 3 years ago


wdolphin commented 3 years ago

今でているプレスリリースを基に英訳してみました。ネイティブの人にチェックしてもらっていないのですが。。 ところで日本語版の Vertical がVirtical になっています。

Title: DRONEBIRD deployed new VTOL

      DRONEBIRDを主語にしないで   New VTOL deployed  とか

                   AEROBO WING deployed とか ほかに変えること可能です。

発表者: CrisisMappersJapan, Disaster Rescue Team with Drones DRONEBIRD project


本文ですが、エアロセンスさんのWebsite 英語版では AEROBO WING とすべて大文字になっていました。また、英文社名が Aerosense Inc. で senseのsが小文字になっていました。


DRONEBIRD, a disaster rescue team with drones, has evolved to another new stage. AEROBO WING(AS-VT01), a new VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) drone manufactured by Aerosense Inc, a Japanese drone development company, is deployed.

AEROBO WING, a new VTOL drone solves the problem of securing land for takeoff and landing, which has been an issue with a fixed-wing drone in the past. In addition, we are now ready to take pictures of wide-area at the time of a disaster by using LTE connectivity, which will enable BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight flights) operation.

With a flight distance of 50km, DRONEBIRD is now one step closer to its goal to start crisis mapping of the disaster area within two hours of the disaster. We will continue to have disaster agreements with more local governments. And we would like to speed up and improve our activities operating both AEROBO WING and the fixed-wing drones that have been in service.

wdolphin commented 3 years ago

New-tech drone improves disaster response and recovery

Images from remote drone platform used to guide rescuers, help recovery(AEROBO WINGの写真と、AEROBOWINGと隊長の写真を入れる)

Japanese disaster response team DRONEBIRD has launched a new technology aircraft that will give rescuers, local officials and homeowners access to near real-time imagery to help them manage crisis zones and respond to natural disasters.

The AEROBO WING features Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) technology. It allows operators to quickly launch flights over disaster sites without needing to secure land for takeoff or landing - an issue which can limit drone operations near disaster sites. In addition, the new aircraft uses LTE mobile connectivity to enable Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations and to immediately return aerial imagery for analysis.

The AEROBO WING is manufactured by Japanese drone development company Aerosense Inc and is capable of a flight distance of up to 50 kilometres.

Team leader Taichi Fruhashi said the new aircraft would move DRONEBIRD a step closer to its goal of being able to commence mapping of a crisis zone within two hours of a disaster.

“Our goal is to speed up our response so we can start delivering critical information to disaster officials when they need it,” he said.

“Already with our fixed wing UAVs we have been able to show the critical value of this imagery for the disaster response.

“We continue to develop relationships with more local governments who can use this when they are dealing with major incidents.”

The DRONEBIRD Disaster Response Team is a project of CrisisMapper Japan and uses remote-controlled and autonomous aircraft to generate imagery of disaster sites which is shared with rescue officials and the wider public to assist disaster response. Imagery is processed using Ortho mosaic analysis and is made available for general use under a creative commons (CC-BY-4.0) licence.

For more about DRONEBIRD visit https://dronebird.org/

Contact : Taichi Furuhashi, director of CrisisMapper Japan e-mail info@crisismappers. jp

Aircraft name AS VT01
External dimensions 2130 x 1200 x 45 mm (excluding propeller)
Weights,/td> 8.54kg (including batteries)
Payload 1.0 kg
Maximum flight distance 50km

(from Aerosense Inc.)

wdolphin commented 3 years ago


  1. Line 2 from 'near-real time imagery' to 'aerial photos'
  2. Line 8 私がLTEのfunction をよくわかっていません。BVLOSを可能にするだけでよいのですか? そうすると、 ’immediately return aerial imagery for analysis' はいりませんよね?
  3. Line 23 from 'generate imagery of disaster sites which is shared with rescue officials and the wider public to assist disaster reponse.' to 'generate aerial photos of disaster sites.'
  4. Line 24 from 'imagery' to 'aerial imageries are'
  5. みんなどれだけ大きなdroneかわからないから、スペック入れた方が良いと言われ、いれましたが、payloadは外して、カメラの詳細を入れた方がよいですか?