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Fix extra bracket generation in req.h file for static compound array fields #17

Closed bel-lau closed 2 months ago

bel-lau commented 7 months ago

Fixed an edge case that occurred when a static, compound array field is used in a service invocation message. An extra bracket was being generated towards the end of the generated req.h file.

tridge commented 7 months ago

@bel-lau can you give some sample DSDL that this fails for?

bel-lau commented 7 months ago

Here's an example based on the files we had issues with, followed by a snippet from the generated file containing the extra bracket. I added a comment to the line with the extra bracket.


bool set                        # Flag whether alarm is set or cleared.
uint8[<=90] text                # Descriptive message.


uint32 timestamp
Alarm[7] alarms         # Array of alarms
bool ack

perfusion_controller.ControllerAlarms_req.h starting at line 45

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

uint32_t perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_encode(struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest* msg, uint8_t* buffer
    , bool tao
bool perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_decode(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer, struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest* msg);


static inline void _perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_encode(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t* bit_ofs, struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest* msg, bool tao);
static inline void _perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_decode(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer, uint32_t* bit_ofs, struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest* msg, bool tao);
void _perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_encode(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t* bit_ofs, struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest* msg, bool tao) {


    canardEncodeScalar(buffer, *bit_ofs, 32, &msg->timestamp);

    *bit_ofs += 32;

    for (size_t i=0; i < 7; i++) {

        _perfusion_controller_Alarm_encode(buffer, bit_ofs, &msg->alarms[i], tao && i==msg->alarms.len);



void _perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_decode(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer, uint32_t* bit_ofs, struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest* msg, bool tao) {


    canardDecodeScalar(transfer, *bit_ofs, 32, false, &msg->timestamp);

    *bit_ofs += 32;

    for (size_t i=0; i < 7; i++) {

        _perfusion_controller_Alarm_decode(transfer, bit_ofs, &msg->alarms[i], tao && i==msg->alarms.len);



struct perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest sample_perfusion_controller_ControllerAlarmsRequest_msg(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"