dronecan / gui_tool

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Missing icons after installation #31

Open thealienthing opened 1 year ago

thealienthing commented 1 year ago

I've tried installing directly from pip and building from the source, but about 80% of my UI buttons are missing icons which makes it very difficult to figure the tool out. Anyone know what I might be missing? I've followed the exact instruction from the documentation for building.


OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Python Version: 3.10

thealienthing commented 1 year ago


After reading through error logs, it seems that python3.10 is not friendly with some of the function calls. I'll post an error dump from my bad build later. Here was the fix.

  1. Installed older python. Tried python3.7 since it appears the errors I saw in my logs happened 3.8 and beyond. I used pyenv to install 3.7 but it took several attempt before it worked. See following steps
  2. Missing packages must be installed before using pyenv to install 3.7: sqlite3 readline bz2 Tk sudo apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev libreadline8 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 tk-dev
  3. If you do not install the previous packages, pyenv will not setup Cpython completely for running the app. Once those are installed, run pyenv install 3.7
  4. Since we need sudo privileges to actually install the binary, I needed to do some absolute path specification instead of running the exact commands in the documention. This worked: sudo ~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.16/bin/pip3 install git+https://github.com/DroneCAN/gui_tool@master

After all this, I finally got icons showing up and I can everything thats going on.