Open kevin-qing opened 4 years ago
Clearly you have a connection problem. Check your wiring and configurations on the autopilot. Also look at If you can not solve your problem, give some details next time.
is your TELEM port connected to
on raspi? or ttyAMA0?
I'm also having the same issue, have you solved it?Thank you!
I'm also having the same issue, have you solved it?Thank you!
from dronekit import connect
# Connect to the Vehicle (in this case a UDP endpoint)
vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', wait_ready=True, baud=921600)
# vehicle is an instance of the Vehicle class
print("Autopilot Firmware version: %s" % vehicle.version) #飞控版本
print("Autopilot capabilities (supports ftp): %s" % vehicle.capabilities.ftp)
print("Global Location: %s" % vehicle.location.global_frame ) #全球定位信息(经纬度和高度)
print("Global Location (relative altitude): %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame ) #相对坐标
print("Local Location: %s" % vehicle.location.local_frame) #NED相对位置信息,东南西北
print("Attitude: %s" % vehicle.attitude) #无人机朝向:roll,pitch,yaw单位弧度(-π~π)
print("Velocity: %s" % vehicle.velocity) #三维速度(m/s)
print("GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0) #GPS信息
print("Groundspeed: %s" % vehicle.groundspeed) #地速(m/s)
print("Airspeed: %s" % vehicle.airspeed ) #空速(m/s)
print("Gimbal status: %s" % vehicle.gimbal ) #云台信息(单位度)
print("Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery ) #电池信息
print("EKF OK?: %s" % vehicle.ekf_ok ) #扩展卡尔曼滤波器信息
print("Last Heartbeat: %s" % vehicle.last_heartbeat)
print("Rangefinder: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder ) #超声波或激光雷达模块状态
print("Rangefinder distance: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.distance ) #超声波或激光雷达模块的传感距离
print("Rangefinder voltage: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.voltage) #超声波或激光雷达模块电压
print("Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading ) #无人机朝向(单位度)
print("Is Armable?: %s" % vehicle.is_armable ) #是否可以解锁
print("System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state) #系统状态
print("Mode: %s" % ) # settable飞行模式
print("Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed ) # settable解锁状态
pi@raspberrypi:~/test $ python
WARNING:dronekit:Link timeout, no heartbeat in last 5 seconds ERROR:dronekit.mavlink:Exception in MAVLink input loop Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dronekit/", line 211, in mavlink_thread_in fn(self) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dronekit/", line 1371, in listener self._heartbeat_error) APIException: No heartbeat in 30 seconds, aborting. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in
vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', wait_ready=True, baud=921600)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dronekit/", line 3166, in connect
vehicle.initialize(rate=rate, heartbeat_timeout=heartbeat_timeout)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dronekit/", line 2275, in initialize
raise APIException('Timeout in initializing connection.')
dronekit.APIException: Timeout in initializing connection.
code: from dronekit import connect
Connect to the Vehicle (in this case a UDP endpoint)
vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', wait_ready=True, baud=921600)
vehicle is an instance of the Vehicle class
print "Autopilot Firmware version: %s" % vehicle.version print "Autopilot capabilities (supports ftp): %s" % vehicle.capabilities.ftp print "Global Location: %s" % vehicle.location.global_frame print "Global Location (relative altitude): %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print "Local Location: %s" % vehicle.location.local_frame #NED print "Attitude: %s" % vehicle.attitude print "Velocity: %s" % vehicle.velocity print "GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0 print "Groundspeed: %s" % vehicle.groundspeed print "Airspeed: %s" % vehicle.airspeed print "Gimbal status: %s" % vehicle.gimbal print "Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery print "EKF OK?: %s" % vehicle.ekf_ok print "Last Heartbeat: %s" % vehicle.last_heartbeat print "Rangefinder: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder print "Rangefinder distance: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.distance print "Rangefinder voltage: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.voltage print "Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading print "Is Armable?: %s" % vehicle.is_armable print "System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state print "Mode: %s" % # settable print "Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed # settable
======= raspi + px4