After flying a mission, the logs contain (often several) position "breadcrumb" trails.
One of our examples, "flight_replay", replays these positions by creating mavlink-style waypoints and uploading them to the vehicle. However, it is constrained in the number of waypoints it can upload to the flight hardware.
There are several solutions that could be used to avoid this problem. One of the more interesting ideas is to turn the breadcrumb trail into a set of waypoints, but using the full set of available waypoint types (e.g. MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT).
Metrics for success could include an average-distance-in-space and average-distance-in-time.
After flying a mission, the logs contain (often several) position "breadcrumb" trails.
One of our examples, "flight_replay", replays these positions by creating mavlink-style waypoints and uploading them to the vehicle. However, it is constrained in the number of waypoints it can upload to the flight hardware.
There are several solutions that could be used to avoid this problem. One of the more interesting ideas is to turn the breadcrumb trail into a set of waypoints, but using the full set of available waypoint types (e.g. MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT).
Metrics for success could include an average-distance-in-space and average-distance-in-time.