dropbox / djinni

A tool for generating cross-language type declarations and interface bindings.
Apache License 2.0
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Djinni does not wrap code into NN_CHECK_ASSERT #428

Open jobdeadss opened 5 years ago

jobdeadss commented 5 years ago

I use latest version of the djinni with next options: --cpp-nn-header "\"/nn.hpp\"" \ --cpp-nn-type "dropbox::oxygen::nn_shared_ptr" \ --cpp-nn-check-expression "NN_CHECK_ASSERT" \

But when I try to compile generated sources for objective-c++ I receive an error:

../objcpp/services/Configuration+Private.mm:65:57: error: conversion function from
      'std::__1::shared_ptr<kvrepository::KeyValueRepository>' to 'const DSERVICES::KeyValueRepository::CppType' (aka 'const dropbox::oxygen::nn<std::__1::shared_ptr<kvrepository::KeyValueRepository> >') invokes a deleted
        return ::DSERVICES::KeyValueRepository::fromCpp(objcpp_result_);
In file included from 
In file included from 
include/nn/nn.hpp:102:5: note: 'nn' has been explicitly marked deleted here
    nn(PtrType) = delete; // must use NN_CHECK_ASSERT or NN_CHECK_THROW


artwyman commented 5 years ago

Can you share your Djinni input file and configuration? Most useful would be if you could reproduce this issue by modifying the Djinni sample or test suite, and share a pointer to a branch in your repo which has the problem.

jobdeadss commented 5 years ago

This issue is only reproduced when one djinni file includes another one via yaml. For instance: KeyValueRepository.djinni

key_value_repository = interface +c {
    get_value(key: string): binary;
    set_value(key: string, value: binary): bool;
    remove_value(key: string): bool;


@extern "KeyValueRepository.yaml"
configuration = interface +c {
    key_value_repository(): key_value_repository;

All djinni sources are compiled with this command line (slightly changed):

--idl "input file"

--yaml-out "yaml output path"
--yaml-out-file "file_name.yaml"

# This option is available only when Configuration.djinni is compiled
#--idl-include-path "path to KeyValueRepository.yaml"

# cpp
--cpp-out "cpp output path"
--cpp-header-out "cpp header output path"
--cpp-namespace "cpp namespace"
--cpp-include-prefix "custom_prefix/"
--cpp-optional-template "stdx::optional"
--cpp-optional-header "\"custom_prefix/optional.h\""
--hpp-ext "h"
--cpp-extended-record-include-prefix "custom_prefix/"

--cpp-nn-header \"nn/nn.hpp\"
--cpp-nn-type dropbox::oxygen::nn_shared_ptr
--cpp-nn-check-expression NN_CHECK_ASSERT

# jni
--jni-out "jni output path"
--jni-header-out "jni header output"
--jni-namespace "jni::custom_prefix"
--jni-include-prefix "jni/"
--jni-include-cpp-prefix "custom_prefix/"
# java
--java-out "java output path"
--java-package "package.custom_prefix"

# objective cpp
--objcpp-out "obj cpp output path"
--objcpp-namespace "objcppnamespace"
--objcpp-include-cpp-prefix "custom_prefix/"
#objective c
--objc-out "obj c output path"
--objc-type-prefix "objctypeprefix"
--objc-swift-bridging-header "swift_bridge"
--ident-java-enum "FooBar"
--ident-java-field "fooBar"
--ident-java-type "FooBar"
--ident-cpp-enum "FooBar"
--ident-cpp-field "_fooBar"
--ident-cpp-method "fooBar"
--ident-cpp-type "FooBar"
--ident-cpp-enum-type "FooBar"
--ident-cpp-type-param "fooBar"
--ident-cpp-local "fooBar"
--ident-cpp-file "FooBar"
--ident-jni-class "jniFooBar"
--ident-jni-file "jniFooBar"
--ident-objc-enum "FooBar"
--ident-objc-field "fooBar"
--ident-objc-method "fooBar"
--ident-objc-type "FooBar"
--ident-objc-type-param "fooBar"
--ident-objc-local "fooBar"
--ident-objc-file "FooBar"
--java-generate-interfaces false

I'll try to change your "example" project to simulate issue but I'm not sure how long it takes.

jobdeadss commented 5 years ago

Hi. I created test example. 1) clone https://github.com/jobdeadss/djinni.git and switch to "nn_test" branch. 2) Run make example_ios Output:

/Users/user/Documents/development/projects/3rdparty/djinni/example/generated-src/objc/TXSConfiguration+Private.mm:36:64: error: conversion function
      from 'std::__1::shared_ptr<textsort::KeyValueRepository>' to 'const djinni_generated::KeyValueRepository::CppType' 
(aka 'const
      dropbox::oxygen::nn<std::__1::shared_ptr<textsort::KeyValueRepository> >') invokes a deleted function
        return ::djinni_generated::KeyValueRepository::fromCpp(objcpp_result_);

In file included from /Users/user/Documents/development/projects/3rdparty/djinni/example/generated-src/objc/TXSConfiguration+Private.mm
In file included from 

 explicitly marked deleted 
    nn(PtrType) = delete; // must use NN_CHECK_ASSERT or NN_CHECK_THROW

In file included from /Users/user/Documents/development/projects/3rdparty/djinni/example/generated-src/objc/TXSConfiguration+Private.mm:

passing argument to parameter 'cpp' here
    static ObjcType fromCpp(const CppType& cpp) { return fromCppOpt(cpp); }

1 error generated.
jobdeadss commented 5 years ago

Still one remark. I expect that in generated file "configuration.hpp" will be nn_shared_ptr but see std::shared_ptr : virtual std::shared_ptr<::textsort::KeyValueRepository> key_value_repository() = 0

artwyman commented 5 years ago

It's quite possible that yaml import and nn haven't been tested together, and thus have some gaps. We use nn but don't use yaml import at Dropbox. The yaml export/import functionality is contributed by and used by others in the community.