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Fix scala dependency resolving issue #449

Closed russell-garmin closed 4 years ago

russell-garmin commented 4 years ago

At some point, the dependency site https://repo.typesafe.com/ started forwarding to https://dl.bintray.com, but forwarding is doesn't occur if url is a complete file path (e.g. https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/org.scala-sbt/main/0.13.17/ivys/ivy.xml)

So instead of depending on forwarding, the sbt.resolvers.properties file now contains the forwarded path.

russell-garmin commented 4 years ago

It seems the link forwarding has started working again.

russell-garmin commented 4 years ago

Aaaand link forwarding is failing again. This change seems to be required now.

artwyman commented 4 years ago

Fetch & build is working for me right now on a fresh machine. According to the page at repo.typesafe.com, it's intended to be a redirector service so directly incorporating the redirected address directly isn't recommended in the long term:

This is a redirection service for the Typesafe repositories. To insulate yourself from future migrations, please use the proxy URL instead of where it redirects (currently https://dl.bintray.com):