dropbox / dropbox-api-content-hasher

Code to compute the Dropbox API's "content_hash"
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Is this still valid? #7

Closed ramona-cristea closed 6 years ago

ramona-cristea commented 6 years ago

After checking Dropbox API v2 Java documentation, I could not find any content_hash field for FileMetaData. Please see https://dropbox.github.io/dropbox-sdk-java/api docs/v2.1.x/com/dropbox/core/v2/files/FileMetadata.html

Is this still valid, or the content hash was replaced with something else? How one can check if a local file is the same as the version on server? By using the rev and serverModified properties?

Thank you in advance for you explanation!

greg-db commented 6 years ago

This is still valid. The documentation you're looking at is for the older v2.x of the Java SDK, which doesn't have content_hash. The latest version is v3.0.6, which does contain content_hash. You can find the documentation for that here:


ramona-cristea commented 6 years ago

Thank you @greg-db for your fast reply! Maybe you could update also your official site? It still points to the old Java documentation v2.1.x.