dropbox / nautilus-dropbox

Dropbox Integration for Nautilus
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Headless for Arm64 #131

Open victorstewart opened 10 months ago

victorstewart commented 10 months ago

is there a way i can compile the headless version of this for arm64?

PeterWagemans commented 4 months ago


lovinrain commented 4 months ago

+1 as a matter of fact I was re-directed to this repo from https://help.dropbox.com/zh-cn/installs/linux-commands#:~:text=a%20new%20account.-,How%20to%20build%20the%20Dropbox%20installer%20for%20Linux%20from%20source,submit%20your%20patches%2C%20contact%20us.

as it mentioned I can buid a dropbox CLI on my own, but this repo seems to be about the gui?

PeterWagemans commented 4 months ago

@lovinrain It is the complete package, which runs as a service. The dropbox.py python script acts as a cli front end to give dropbox commands. This is also the version you can download from the dropbox site, and they provide a link to this repo. https://www.dropbox.com/install-linux You see the link to the dropbox.py script at the bottom of the page. For this repo, it's one page further when you choose "install from source". So it is the headless version, and it runs perfectly well on e.g. Ubuntu 22 headless… on AMD/Intel.

lovinrain commented 4 months ago

@PeterWagemans Thanks for the explanation.

I did try to compile from this source but it failed. The configuration using autogen.sh succeeded and from the error it seems related to gtk related function, which I assume it is GUI related. Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 4 24 36 AM

So that was my ask: I want to compile a headless part without dependency to any gui libraries..

PeterWagemans commented 4 months ago

for me autogen.sh already got stuck at:


As I am reading the code a bit, I realise that the dropbox website links to this repo as if it is an alternative to dropbox that you can download precompiled:


This repo is not the dropbox source code. It is the source code for the nautilus extension, that integrates the dropbox web service with gnome. They call it the "installer", the "install from source" is just that little installer. Sorry, I got confused. There is no source code, dropbox is of course proprietary and closed source. I should have realised that when I did the '+1' because the OP was probably just as mislead as I was. There are just no binaries for ARM yet, except for Apple Silicon.