dropbox / nsot

Network Source of Truth is an open source IPAM and network inventory database
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Quickstart says to create superuser when prompted, but there is no prompt #326

Open candlerb opened 6 years ago

candlerb commented 6 years ago

I am trying out NSOT inside an Ubuntu 16.04 lxd container. I have installed python2 and the other requirements. I have created a virtualenv but otherwise am following the quickstart guide.

virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install nsot
nsot-server init
# Edit ~/.nsot/nsot.conf.py to set NSOT_HOST = ''
nsot-server start

All appears to be fine: it applies all the migrations and starts the webserver, and I can connect.

The problem is that although the Quick Start guide says to "create a superuser when prompted", there is no such prompt. I therefore wonder whether some initialisation step has been missed?

I can create one manually and it seems to be OK. Is this just a step missing from the Quick Start?

candlerb commented 6 years ago

Also: can you confirm that an out-of-box NSOT installation has no attributes provided by default? So anything like "vendor" or "model" you want on a Device, you have to create it yourself?

candlerb commented 6 years ago

One more. Am I being completely dense, or are 'Circuits' missing from the GUI entirely? I can create and browse them via the API view only.

jathanism commented 6 years ago
  1. You're right. The docs need to be updated to include creation of a superuser. Thanks for pointing that out.

  2. Yes, a new NSoT installation is a clean slate. It's up to you to create them yourself based on your needs for your environment. That is by design.

  3. You're not being completely dense. The web UI is behind on features. We're working on a new web UI, but it's unfortunately a slow going process.

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