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Transition from drupal 9.3 to 9.5.10 and mysql 5.7 to 8.1 #836

Open bem22 opened 11 months ago

bem22 commented 11 months ago


I'm back to working on my droopler project and I want to refresh the installation with the newest updated/upgrades

I managed to run the latest droopler for 9.5.10 (droppler

However, I'm struggling to migrate my mysql 5.7 database to mysql 8.1.

If I install the default content on a fresh mysql 8.1 container everything works as expected.

If I run my old instance of drupal 9.3.x with droopler (of one year ago), everything works.

How can I move the old data into the new database?

bem22 commented 11 months ago

UPDATE: I realized my failure to also transfer my modules. Now the webform and adjacent errors are gone, but the page doesn't stop loading: I tried increasing memory_limit in php.ini to 512 and max_execution_time to 900, but I still get

if(!Element.prototype.matches){Element.prototype.matches=Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector||Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;} Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 900 seconds exceeded in /opt/drupal/site/web/modules/contrib/advagg/advagg_js_minify/jshrink.inc on line 220

Any clues how to fix this?

This definitely has to do with the database import because launching with MYSQL 8.0 works fine on a fresh DB and launching my old instance with both MYSQL5.7 and MYSQL8.0 works fine with the same data.

Could there be anything else making advagg stall?

bem22 commented 11 months ago

I fixed this. The trick is to disable jshrink BEFORE exporting the db, otherwise it's going to import the settings for jshrink as enabled and it's going to mess up your site.