drostlab / myTAI

Evolutionary Transcriptomics with R
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add figures to the homepage of the package site #25

Closed LotharukpongJS closed 1 year ago

LotharukpongJS commented 1 year ago

The lack of figures in README.md as noticed in https://drostlab.github.io/myTAI/ during #24 is now solved. The figures have been moved from to docs/articles/Introduction_files/figure-html/ to man/figures/ (as seen for example in janitor). E.g.


Is now


I am currently unsure about what to do with the existing figures (i.e. in docs/articles/Introduction_files/figure-html) but this will be resolved once we add more information into the package articles.

I am unsure what these apple touch icons do (e.g. docs/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png). I updated pkgdown to 2.0.7 and ran pkgdown::build_site() as normal and they appeared, perhaps because I renamed the mytai logo from myTAI.png to logo.png (see https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/949 and https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/news/index.html#front-end-1-4-0). Please let me know if this is not wanted so I can edit this pull request.

I also changed inaccurate citations in tfStability() and PlotSignatureTransformed().

HajkD commented 1 year ago

Hi @LotharukpongJS

Looks all good to me!

I merge and will have a more detailed look.

Many thanks!!!

Cheers, Hajk