Open wasiullahtxtsol opened 5 years ago
@wasiullahtxtsol can you show the code you are using?
In Html:
<ul class="actions top-right">
<li tooltip="Edit" placement="top" [hide-delay]="500">
<a href="#"
><i class="icon dripicons-document-edit"></i
And in app.module.ts
imports: [ TooltipModule.forRoot({ trigger: "hover" }) ],
I have also tried to add option hide-delay in imports but didn't work. Am i missing something? Other options are working. Thanks.
@wasiullahtxtsol Try using the TooltipOptions interface as in the example
Note that the default delay is 300 ms. And you do not need to specify trigger: "hover", this value is set by default.
Thanks for your response.
'hide-delay': 5000 is working, but 'hide-delay': 0 is not working.
export const DefaultTooltipOptions: TooltipOptions = {
'hide-delay': 5000,
'placement': 'top',
'theme': "light"
TooltipModule.forRoot(DefaultTooltipOptions as TooltipOptions),
<ul class="actions top-right">
<li tooltip="Edit">
<a href="#"
><i class="icon dripicons-document-edit"></i
@wasiullahtxtsol try 'hide-delay': 1
At 'hide-delay': 1, it is hiding after 2 seconds. I am trying to hide immediately after the hover is removed.
@wasiullahtxtsol a two second delay is triggered by a trigger: click. If you use a click, then you need the hideDelayAfterClick
I am using default trigger which is hover and 'hide-delay:1', but still not hiding immediately.
Check if you have the latest version of Tooltips installed. I do not see any problems with the delay. Keep in mind that the default settings are lower in priority than those you set in the directive.
I get the same behavior as @wasiullahtxtsol in the latest version. And show-delay is not working either.
@oloflandahl could you give an example of your code?
I've tried both element options...
<div class="ellipsis-text" [tooltip]="text" show-delay="500" hide-delay="100">{{text}}</div>
...and default module options
const DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS: TooltipOptions = { 'show-delay': 500, 'hide-delay': 100 };
imports: [ TooltipModule.forRoot(DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS) ],
@oloflandahl can you record on video how it works?
@drozhzhin-n-e Can you please check if the hide-delay and show-delay are working on the demo page .
I have updated the tooltip to latest version which is 2.7.17, but hide-delay still not working.
I updated the demo to version 2.7.17, but there is no problem with the delay. Check if there are additional conditions that can affect the tooltip properties.
Try to take the module from this repository and check what properties the directive gets here
@wasiullahtxtsol @oloflandahl Also, check if you use the tooltip on the touch screen?
If you use a touch screen, then try updating the library to version 2.8.17
Hide-delay is not working.
ng2-tooltip-directive Version : 2.7.16