drphilmarshall / OM10

Tools for working with the Oguri & Marshall (2010) mock catalog of strong gravitational lenses
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SDSS LRG catalog for painting and positioning #29

Closed drphilmarshall closed 7 years ago

drphilmarshall commented 9 years ago

Hi @aagnello

@mbaumer and I are looking at LRGo.txt and wondering about using it more extensively, for positioning sims as well as coloring the lens galaxies. Could you please let us know how you made it, so we can re-query the SDSS catalog and get the RAs and Decs of the objects as well, please? Thanks!

aagnello commented 9 years ago

I have some dreadful wifi here at IAU, let me work on that when I get back to UCLA in about a week. If I don;t , feel free to send reminders!

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago

@mbaumer and I decided to try a different tack: painting by hand, using template SEDs. Closing this!