drphilmarshall / OM10

Tools for working with the Oguri & Marshall (2010) mock catalog of strong gravitational lenses
MIT License
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Lenspop Magnitude Calculation Demo #49

Closed jennykim1016 closed 7 years ago

jennykim1016 commented 7 years ago

I have one question about the pull request. May I submit the request when I think the new codes are ready to be reviewed or every time when I am committing changes to my master branch? I am making sure that I am committing all the changes to github whenever I am changing the files in my computer.

I started working on making the diagnostic plots after December 10th, so I had to make this new branch named color to only include the commits that I made before December 10th. This branch has the first version of the lenspop demo notebook, and I am working on my master branch to make the diagnostic plots in addition to fixing some of the features in the first demo notebook.


p.s: I would not want this to be merged with the base OM10 directory yet!

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago

@jennykim1016 Looking at this notebook again, in the light of your more recent work on the diagnostic plots, I wonder if we can use it to demonstrate the difference between the star forming and old stellar population SEDs, as well as showing the contrast with a quasar at z=2. I'll merge this PR and play around a bit, if I can fid some time! :-) Nice to have a basic demo in place though. Thanks!