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Paper II - Table 3 - redshift #160

Closed ccld closed 9 years ago

ccld commented 9 years ago

May be it would be better to put z spectroscopic whenever available by SDSS CrossID for DR12: (in particular SW50 zp 0, SW2 zp 0.7, SW27 zp 0.7) SELECT s.specobjid, s.ra, s.dec, s.z FROM #upload u JOIN #x x ON x.up_id = u.up_id JOIN SpecObjAll s ON s.specObjID = x.specObjID

name specobjid ra dec z SW29 751117935786878976 32.741433 -8.747394 0.4472963 SW44 4949486599722954752 33.105116 -8.8698145 0.7594223 SW30 4949470107048538112 33.810958 -9.411186 0.7202559 SW20 4940601441343172608 36.388835 -5.5346305 0.5661425 SW22 4938319405026832384 37.535984 -5.6774292 0.4980913 SW13 4941673740108492800 37.846387 -8.4259299 0.5408069 SW50 1489708835068209152 209.35367 56.270643 0.3601365 SW51 1489581566597294080 210.11631 54.174603 1.0405.. doubtful (DR7 z_spec 0.6, zconf 0.3) SW15 1305038708210165760 210.12594 57.743725 0.3819141 SW2 7660847099814801408 211.34249 57.725904 0.5162626 SW52 7591033883350200320 213.82905 51.65422 0.2891185 SW4 7659497998292545536 217.39258 56.428153 0.5136735 SW27 7656269282347249664 217.73322 57.408888 0.6052749 SW37 7554838785214312448 218.47354 54.386376 0.6536468 SW5 7563881718294966272 218.72698 52.480872 0.625356 SW6 7656204960917024768 219.11651 56.642745 0.5266066 SW57 7564005138475184128 219.21496 53.118439 0.5760912 SW17 7564012285300764672 219.24248 53.635536 0.6104435 SW58 7554790406702690304 219.96084 54.768737 0.7310352 SW38 4859508884861808640 330.56352 1.3566691 0.3139308 SW7 4859549841669943296 330.73677 2.5760996 0.4822684

anupreeta27 commented 9 years ago

@ccld thanks a lot. will leave out the z=1.0 system since its photo_z is 0.6 and as you say its doubtful.

aprajita commented 9 years ago

@ccld what's the match radius used to the SDSS spec IDs? when I run the crossID with Anu's latest table of new candidates, I only get 3 matches within 3", the rest are >70") So I think the only matches to the DR12 spec database are SW4, SW15 & SW30 (z=0.513981, 0.381946, 0.447508).

ccld commented 9 years ago

@Aprajita, @Anu I picked up the table 3 and used CrossId for DR12: search type "Images"/"Nearest Primary Object"/"Join with Spectra" /Search radius [arcmin] 0.1 (6").

Before that you could visualize the 58 SW list in "Image List Tool" and put "Drawing options" :Objects with spectra", scale 0.05. You'll see the only offset is SW13 centered on arc instead of lens deflector.

I count 21 matches ( of which 1 bad fitting lines). Hope this helps

aprajita commented 9 years ago

hi @ccld - thanks very much.

I used the Spectra/Nearest Primary Object and got 3 matches also using table 3 (but with 48 new SW objects)

I've now tried the images join with spectra search as you did, and get 15 matches with SW4 with 2 spec IDs (sdss & boss). I've added the matched list with separations in arcsec for the photo & spec objects.

SW13 is the redshift of the northern galaxy that may be contributing to the lensing so is still relevant but will need a note in table3 if included.

i'm not sure why the direct spectra rather than image search didn't work … @ccld have you seen something like this before?


aprajita commented 9 years ago

Hi again @ccld I realised I've been using an old input table. Will try again now. ignore previous post. thanks

aprajita commented 9 years ago

Hi @ccld

I also get 22 matches now in 0.1', sorry about the confusion earlier.

Anyway, in the list of 22:

there'a couple of other nearby spectra (group members?) that might be relevant in future papers that I've made a note of.

I still don't understand why a direct spectra search doesn't give the same results...

thanks for your help & sorry for causing confusion. @anupreeta27 please reclose when you've decided whether to include SW13


aprajita commented 9 years ago

OK, can now get all 22 spectra through the "spectra" search if I choose 'All nearby spectra'

anupreeta27 commented 9 years ago

i suppose we can close this!

anupreeta27 commented 9 years ago

@aprajita thanks for checking. sorry, i wanted to mention that i also checked using a similar radius as @ccld and found similar results.