drpout / boilr

Price alarms for Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets, futures and options.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Price spoken (TTS) #130

Open jojolo opened 9 years ago

jojolo commented 9 years ago

Have the price spoken every X amount of time. Have user pick how many seconds or minutes.

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algazarra commented 9 years ago

@jojolo are you day trading? never felt the need for such a feature.

jojolo commented 9 years ago

Yeah, for day trading. Say a lot of price movement happens middle of the night. Instead of fiddling with the phone and bright screen you can have the price spoken as you lay in bed and try to rest.

There are other apps that do it and I can always use more than one app. I'm just thinking in terms of 1 app that rules them all.

algazarra commented 9 years ago

I see! hmmm I'd like to see how other apps do it. Can you post a link to a good example? thanks for the input!

jojolo commented 9 years ago

The app I use is Bitcoin Checker for the price speaking feature.



dllud commented 9 years ago

Instead of fiddling with the phone and bright screen you can have the price spoken as you lay in bed and try to rest.

Nice, finally we have a use case.

On the early beginnings of Boilr I was messing around with TTS (Text-To-Speech) on OsmAnd~ and thought it would be a cool feature we could copy-paste from them (after all we can't, their voices are proprietary). Then we discovered Bitcoin Checker and I noticed it has TTS. But there was still missing valid a use cases for this and @algazarra always thought of it as frivolous.

dllud commented 9 years ago

We could couple this with #102, having the price spoken when the status bar ticker is displayed.

algazarra commented 9 years ago

Yes but leave options to deactivate as it can prove too intrusive.