drprojects / DeepViewAgg

[CVPR'22 Best Paper Finalist] Official PyTorch implementation of the method presented in "Learning Multi-View Aggregation In the Wild for Large-Scale 3D Semantic Segmentation"
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The problem about AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'feats' #28

Closed Tommydied closed 1 year ago

Tommydied commented 1 year ago

I encountered the following problem while training the 3D point cloud model:

[2023-07-20 08:48:30,841][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - Available stage selection datasets:  ['test', 'val'] 
[2023-07-20 08:48:30,842][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - The models will be selected using the metrics on following dataset:  val 
[2023-07-20 08:48:34,292][torch_points3d.trainer][INFO] - EPOCH 1 / 60
  0%|                                                                                                                                                 | 0/1500 [00:02<?, ?it/s]
Error executing job with overrides: ['data=segmentation/kitti360-sparse', 'models=segmentation/sparseconv3d', 'model_name=Res16UNet34', 'task=segmentation', 'training=kitti360_benchmark/sparseconv3d', 'lr_scheduler=multi_step_kitti360', 'eval_frequency=5', 'data.sample_per_epoch=12000', 'data.dataroot=./directory', 'data.train_is_trainval=False', 'data.mini=False', 'training.cuda=0', 'training.batch_size=8', 'training.epochs=60', 'training.num_workers=0', 'training.optim.base_lr=0.1', 'training.wandb.log=True', 'training.wandb.name=My_awesome_KITTI-360_experiment', 'tracker_options.make_submission=False', 'training.checkpoint_dir=']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train.py", line 14, in main
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 146, in train
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 201, in _train_epoch
    self._model.optimize_parameters(epoch, self._dataset.batch_size)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/base_model.py", line 245, in optimize_parameters
    self.forward(epoch=epoch)  # first call forward to calculate intermediate results
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/segmentation/sparseconv3d.py", line 67, in forward
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/sparseconv3d.py", line 281, in forward
    data = self.up_modules[i](data, skip)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/modules/SparseConv3d/modules.py", line 225, in forward
    x = snn.cat(x,skip)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/modules/SparseConv3d/nn/torchsparse.py", line 76, in cat
    return TS.cat(arg)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchsparse/operators.py", line 11, in cat
    feats = torch.cat([input.feats for input in inputs], dim=1)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchsparse/operators.py", line 11, in <listcomp>
    feats = torch.cat([input.feats for input in inputs], dim=1)
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'feats'

and the wrong code is features=self.backbone ( self.input ).x I try to solve this problem and do the following adjustments features=self.backbone ( self.input.x )

[2023-07-20 08:56:59,190][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - Available stage selection datasets:  ['test', 'val'] 
[2023-07-20 08:56:59,191][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - The models will be selected using the metrics on following dataset:  val 
[2023-07-20 08:57:02,141][torch_points3d.trainer][INFO] - EPOCH 1 / 60
  0%|                                                                                                                                                 | 0/1500 [00:01<?, ?it/s]
Error executing job with overrides: ['data=segmentation/kitti360-sparse', 'models=segmentation/sparseconv3d', 'model_name=Res16UNet34', 'task=segmentation', 'training=kitti360_benchmark/sparseconv3d', 'lr_scheduler=multi_step_kitti360', 'eval_frequency=5', 'data.sample_per_epoch=12000', 'data.dataroot=./directory', 'data.train_is_trainval=False', 'data.mini=False', 'training.cuda=0', 'training.batch_size=8', 'training.epochs=60', 'training.num_workers=0', 'training.optim.base_lr=0.1', 'training.wandb.log=True', 'training.wandb.name=My_awesome_KITTI-360_experiment', 'tracker_options.make_submission=False', 'training.checkpoint_dir=']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train.py", line 14, in main
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 146, in train
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 201, in _train_epoch
    self._model.optimize_parameters(epoch, self._dataset.batch_size)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/base_model.py", line 245, in optimize_parameters
    self.forward(epoch=epoch)  # first call forward to calculate intermediate results
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/segmentation/sparseconv3d.py", line 67, in forward
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/sparseconv3d.py", line 245, in forward
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/sparseconv3d.py", line 166, in _set_input
    self.input = sp3d.nn.SparseTensor(data.x, data.coords, data.batch, self.device)
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'x'
drprojects commented 1 year ago

The first error seems related to torchsparse. Can you please share the output of:

pip list | grep torch

Also, can you please share the type and shape of x and skip in:

File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/modules/SparseConv3d/modules.py", line 225, in forward
    x = snn.cat(x,skip)

For the second error, the change you made expectedly breaks the code.

Tommydied commented 1 year ago

Here is the environment in which my code is running:

absl-py                          0.12.0
alabaster                        0.7.12
antlr4-python3-runtime           4.8
apex                             0.1
appdirs                          1.4.4
argon2-cffi                      20.1.0
ascii-graph                      1.5.1
ase                              3.22.1
async-generator                  1.10
attrs                            20.3.0
audioread                        2.1.9
Babel                            2.9.0
backcall                         0.2.0
backports.cached-property        1.0.2
beautifulsoup4                   4.9.3
black                            23.7.0
bleach                           3.3.0
blessings                        1.7
blis                             0.7.4
boto3                            1.17.32
botocore                         1.20.32
brotlipy                         0.7.0
cachetools                       5.3.1
catalogue                        1.0.0
certifi                          2023.5.7
cffi                             1.14.3
chardet                          5.1.0
charset-normalizer               3.2.0
click                            8.1.5
cloudpickle                      2.2.1
codecov                          2.1.13
colorama                         0.4.6
coloredlogs                      15.0.1
colour-runner                    0.1.1
conda                            4.9.2
conda-build                      3.21.4
conda-package-handling           1.7.2
coverage                         7.2.7
cryptography                     3.2.1
cxxfilt                          0.2.2
cycler                           0.10.0
cymem                            2.0.5
Cython                           0.28.4
DataProperty                     0.50.0
decorator                        4.4.2
deepdiff                         6.3.1
defusedxml                       0.7.1
detectron2                       0.6
distlib                          0.3.7
DLLogger                         0.1.0
docker-pycreds                   0.4.0
docutils                         0.16
entrypoints                      0.3
faiss-gpu                        1.6.5
filelock                         3.12.2
flake8                           3.7.9
Flask                            1.1.2
future                           0.18.2
fvcore                           0.1.5.post20221221
gdown                            4.7.1
gitdb                            4.0.10
GitPython                        3.1.32
glob2                            0.7
googledrivedownloader            0.4
graphsurgeon                     0.4.5
grpcio                           1.36.1
h5py                             3.2.1
html2text                        2020.1.16
humanfriendly                    10.0
hydra-core                       1.1.0
hypothesis                       4.50.8
idna                             3.4
imageio                          2.9.0
imagesize                        1.2.0
importlib-metadata               3.7.3
importlib-resources              6.0.0
inflect                          5.3.0
iniconfig                        1.1.1
iopath                           0.1.9
ipdb                             0.13.7
ipykernel                        5.5.0
ipython                          7.21.0
ipython-genutils                 0.2.0
isodate                          0.6.1
itsdangerous                     1.1.0
jedi                             0.17.0
Jinja2                           2.11.3
jmespath                         0.10.0
joblib                           1.3.1
json5                            0.9.5
jsonpatch                        1.33
jsonpointer                      2.4
jsonschema                       3.0.2
jupyter-client                   6.1.12
jupyter-core                     4.7.1
jupyter-tensorboard              0.2.0
jupyterlab                       2.2.9
jupyterlab-pygments              0.1.2
jupyterlab-server                1.2.0
jupytext                         1.11.0
kiwisolver                       1.3.1
libarchive-c                     2.9
librosa                          0.8.0
llvmlite                         0.35.0
lmdb                             1.1.1
Mako                             1.1.4
Markdown                         3.3.4
markdown-it-py                   0.6.2
MarkupSafe                       1.1.1
maskrcnn-benchmark               0.1
matplotlib                       3.3.4
mbstrdecoder                     1.0.1
mccabe                           0.6.1
mdit-py-plugins                  0.2.6
mistune                          0.8.4
mit-semseg                       1.0.0
mlperf-compliance                0.0.10
mock                             4.0.3
msgfy                            0.1.0
murmurhash                       1.0.5
mypy-extensions                  1.0.0
nbclient                         0.5.3
nbconvert                        6.0.7
nbformat                         5.1.2
nest-asyncio                     1.5.1
networkx                         2.0
nltk                             3.5
notebook                         6.2.0
numba                            0.52.0
numpy                            1.23.0
nvidia-dali-cuda110              0.31.0
nvidia-dlprof-pytorch-nvtx       1.0.0
nvidia-pyprof                    3.9.0
nvidia-tensorboard               1.15.0+nv21.3
nvidia-tensorboard-plugin-dlprof 0.12
omegaconf                        2.1.2
onnx                             1.8.0
onnxruntime                      1.7.0
ordered-set                      4.1.0
packaging                        23.1
pandas                           1.1.4
pandocfilters                    1.4.3
parso                            0.8.1
pathspec                         0.11.1
pathtools                        0.1.2
pathvalidate                     2.3.2
pexpect                          4.8.0
pickleshare                      0.7.5
Pillow                           10.0.0
Pillow-SIMD                      7.0.0.post3
pip                              20.2.4
pkginfo                          1.7.0
plac                             1.1.0
platformdirs                     3.9.1
plotly                           5.4.0
pluggy                           1.2.0
plyfile                          1.0
polygraphy                       0.25.1
pooch                            1.3.0
portalocker                      2.7.0
preshed                          3.0.2
prettytable                      2.1.0
progressbar                      2.5
prometheus-client                0.9.0
prompt-toolkit                   3.0.8
protobuf                         3.15.6
psutil                           5.8.0
ptyprocess                       0.7.0
py                               1.10.0
pybind11                         2.6.2
pycocotools                      2.0.6
pycodestyle                      2.5.0
pycosat                          0.6.3
pycparser                        2.20
pycuda                           2020.1
pydot                            1.4.2
pyflakes                         2.1.1
Pygments                         2.15.1
pykeops                          1.4.2
pynvml                           8.0.4
pyOpenSSL                        19.1.0
pyparsing                        2.4.7
pypng                            0.20220715.0
pyproject-api                    1.5.3
pyrsistent                       0.17.3
PySocks                          1.7.1
pytablewriter                    0.47.0
pytest                           6.2.2
pytest-cov                       2.11.1
pytest-pythonpath                0.7.3
python-dateutil                  2.8.1
python-hostlist                  1.21
python-louvain                   0.16
python-nvd3                      0.15.0
python-slugify                   4.0.1
pytools                          2021.2
pytorch-metric-learning          2.2.0
pytorch-quantization             2.1.0
pytorch-transformers             1.1.0
pytz                             2021.1
PyWavelets                       1.1.1
PyYAML                           5.4.1
pyzmq                            22.0.3
rdflib                           6.3.2
regex                            2021.3.17
requests                         2.31.0
resampy                          0.2.2
revtok                           0.0.3
rootpath                         0.1.1
ruamel-yaml                      0.15.87
s3transfer                       0.3.6
sacrebleu                        1.2.10
sacremoses                       0.0.35
scikit-image                     0.15.0
scikit-learn                     1.0.2
scipy                            1.6.1
seaborn                          0.12.2
Send2Trash                       1.5.0
sentencepiece                    0.1.95
sentry-sdk                       1.28.1
setproctitle                     1.3.2
setuptools                       50.3.1.post20201107
six                              1.16.0
smmap                            5.0.0
snowballstemmer                  2.1.0
SoundFile                        0.10.3.post1
soupsieve                        2.2
sox                              1.4.1
spacy                            2.3.5
Sphinx                           3.5.2
sphinx-glpi-theme                0.3
sphinx-rtd-theme                 0.5.1
sphinxcontrib-applehelp          1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-devhelp            1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp           1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-jsmath             1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp             1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml    1.1.4
srsly                            1.0.5
subword-nmt                      0.3.3
tabledata                        1.1.3
tabulate                         0.8.9
tenacity                         8.2.2
tensorboard                      1.15.9999+nv
termcolor                        2.3.0
terminado                        0.9.3
testpath                         0.4.4
text-unidecode                   1.3
thinc                            7.4.5
threadpoolctl                    2.2.0
toml                             0.10.2
tomli                            2.0.1
torch                            1.9.0a0+df837d0
torch-cluster                    1.5.9
torch-geometric                  1.7.0
torch-points-kernels             0.6.10
torch-scatter                    2.0.9
torch-sparse                     0.6.12
torch-spline-conv                1.2.1
torchnet                         0.0.4
torchsparse                      1.4.0
torchvision                      0.9.0a0
tornado                          6.1
tox                              4.6.4
tqdm                             4.65.0
traitlets                        5.0.5
typepy                           1.1.4
typing-extensions                4.7.1
uff                              0.6.9
Unidecode                        1.2.0
urllib3                          2.0.3
virtualenv                       20.24.0
visdom                           0.2.4
wandb                            0.15.5
wasabi                           0.8.2
wcwidth                          0.2.5
webencodings                     0.5.1
websocket-client                 1.6.1
Werkzeug                         1.0.1
wheel                            0.40.0
wrapt                            1.10.11
yacs                             0.1.8
zipp                             3.4.1

and here is type(self.input.x)

<class 'torchsparse.tensor.SparseTensor'>

here is shape of x

['C', 'F', '__add__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__',
'__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__',
'__weakref__', 'cmaps', 'coords', 'cuda', 'detach', 'feats', 'kmaps', 's',
'stride', 'to']

here is shape of skip

['C', 'F', '__add__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__',
'__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__',
'__weakref__', 'cmaps', 'coords', 'cuda', 'detach', 'feats', 'kmaps', 's',
'stride', 'to']
drprojects commented 1 year ago

I notice several discrepancies between your dependencies and what you should have had if you installed the project using ./install.sh as recommended.

In particular, you should have:

Some of these libraries are not backward-compatible, which means installing more recent versions will break this project.

Please make sure you install the project by running the provided, untouched ./install.sh. Only then, please test again and let me know how things go.

Tommydied commented 1 year ago

I try to change my environment to

The error results provided this time are different from the last time. The reason is that the previous error results were the outcome of extensive modifications made by me. This time, I would like to provide the problem I encountered initially.

[2023-07-24 03:29:14,538][torch_points3d.applications.modelfactory][INFO] -
The config will be used to build the model
Error executing job with overrides: ['data=segmentation/kitti360-sparse',
'models=segmentation/sparseconv3d', 'model_name=Res16UNet34',
'task=segmentation', 'training=kitti360_benchmark/sparseconv3d',
'lr_scheduler=multi_step_kitti360', 'eval_frequency=5',
'data.sample_per_epoch=12000', 'data.dataroot=./directory',
'data.train_is_trainval=False', 'data.mini=False', 'training.cuda=0',
'training.batch_size=8', 'training.epochs=60', 'training.num_workers=0',
'training.optim.base_lr=0.1', 'training.wandb.log=True', '
'tracker_options.make_submission=False', 'training.checkpoint_dir=']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train.py", line 13, in main
    trainer = Trainer(cfg)
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 46, in
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 93, in
    self._model: BaseModel = instantiate_model(
  File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/model_factory.py",
line 44, in instantiate_model
    model = model_cls(model_config, "dummy", dataset, modellib)
line 20, in __init__
    self.backbone = SparseConv3d(
line 74, in SparseConv3d
    return factory.build()
line 73, in build
    return self._build_unet()
line 88, in _build_unet
    return SparseConv3dUnet(model_config, None, None, modules_lib,
line 112, in __init__
    super().__init__(model_config, model_type, dataset, modules)
line 399, in __init__
line 444, in _init_from_compact_format
    down_conv_3d = self._build_module(opt.down_conv, i, flow="DOWN")
line 641, in _build_module
    return module(**args)
line 140, in __init__
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Set the environment variable HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 for a complete stack trace.

Damien ROBERT @.***> 於 2023年7月20日 週四 下午8:52寫道:

I notice several discrepancies between your dependencies and what you should have had if you installed the project using ./install.sh as recommended.

In particular, you should have:

  • torch-geometric==1.6.3
  • torch==1.7.1
  • torchsparse==1.1.0

Some of these libraries are not backward-compatible, which means installing more recent versions will break this project.

Please make sure you install the project by running the provided, untouched ./install.sh. Only then, please test again and let me know how things go.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/drprojects/DeepViewAgg/issues/28#issuecomment-1643872435, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AZTNDAQUP7BLCQJG6UU3XGLXRESZVANCNFSM6AAAAAA2RC6D7I . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

Tommydied commented 1 year ago

And the following is the issue I encountered with the modified code, which resulted in an error during execution. The previous issue was indeed resolved by modifying the environment settings.

[2023-07-24 04:15:38,128][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - Available stage selection datasets: ['test', 'val'] [2023-07-24 04:15:38,128][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - The models will be selected using the metrics on following dataset: val [2023-07-24 04:16:05,775][torch_points3d.trainer][INFO] - EPOCH 1 / 60 0%
0/1500 [00:00<?, ?it/s]tensor([[0.5550, 1.3774, 0.2385, ..., 0.8033, 0.0000, 0.0931], [0.7979, 0.4388, 0.0000, ..., 1.3618, 1.0692, 0.2139], [1.2967, 2.9628, 1.8621, ..., 1.5412, 0.0000, 3.7810], ..., [0.5269, 0.0000, 0.3898, ..., 0.8157, 0.2076, 0.2457], [0.3073, 0.8492, 1.1453, ..., 0.1847, 0.0000, 0.5820], [1.1201, 0.3403, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 1.1997, 0.1137]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) torch.Size([84528, 4]) torch.Size([40]) 0%

0/1500 [00:02<?, ?it/s] Error executing job with overrides: ['data=segmentation/kitti360-sparse', 'models=segmentation/sparseconv3d', 'model_name=Res16UNet34', 'task=segmentation', 'training=kitti360_benchmark/sparseconv3d', 'lr_scheduler=multi_step_kitti360', 'eval_frequency=5', 'data.sample_per_epoch=12000', 'data.dataroot=./directory', 'data.train_is_trainval=False', 'data.mini=False', 'training.cuda=0', 'training.batch_size=8', 'training.epochs=60', 'training.num_workers=0', 'training.optim.base_lr=0.1', 'training.wandb.log=True', ' training.wandb.name=My_awesome_KITTI-360_experiment', 'tracker_options.make_submission=False', 'training.checkpoint_dir='] Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 14, in main trainer.train() File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 146, in train self._train_epoch(epoch) File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 201, in _train_epoch self._model.optimize_parameters(epoch, self._dataset.batch_size) File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/base_model.py", line 245, in optimize_parameters self.forward(epoch=epoch) # first call forward to calculate intermediate results File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/segmentation/sparseconv3d.py", line 55, in forward self.loss_cross_entropy = F.nll_loss(self.output, self.labels, ignore_index=IGNORE_LABEL, weight=self._weight_classes) File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py", line 2261, in nll_loss raise ValueError('Expected input batch_size ({}) to match target batch_size ({}).' ValueError: Expected input batch_size (84528) to match target batch_size (40).

the shape of self.output: print(self.output.shape) torch.Size([84528, 4]) the shape of self.labels: print(self.labels.shape) torch.Size([40])

and I found that the shape of self.output is constantly changing I didn't understand why it would happen

秦瑋謙 @.***> 於 2023年7月24日 週一 上午11:38寫道:

I try to change my environment to

  • torch-geometric==1.6.3
  • torch==1.7.1
  • torchsparse==1.1.0

The error results provided this time are different from the last time. The reason is that the previous error results were the outcome of extensive modifications made by me. This time, I would like to provide the problem I encountered initially.

[2023-07-24 03:29:14,538][torch_points3d.applications.modelfactory][INFO]

  • The config will be used to build the model Error executing job with overrides: ['data=segmentation/kitti360-sparse', 'models=segmentation/sparseconv3d', 'model_name=Res16UNet34', 'task=segmentation', 'training=kitti360_benchmark/sparseconv3d', 'lr_scheduler=multi_step_kitti360', 'eval_frequency=5', 'data.sample_per_epoch=12000', 'data.dataroot=./directory', 'data.train_is_trainval=False', 'data.mini=False', 'training.cuda=0', 'training.batch_size=8', 'training.epochs=60', 'training.num_workers=0', 'training.optim.base_lr=0.1', 'training.wandb.log=True', ' training.wandb.name=My_awesome_KITTI-360_experiment', 'tracker_options.make_submission=False', 'training.checkpoint_dir='] Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 13, in main trainer = Trainer(cfg) File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 46, in init self._initialize_trainer() File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/trainer.py", line 93, in _initialize_trainer self._model: BaseModel = instantiate_model( File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/model_factory.py", line 44, in instantiate_model model = model_cls(model_config, "dummy", dataset, modellib) File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/segmentation/sparseconv3d.py", line 20, in init self.backbone = SparseConv3d( File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/sparseconv3d.py", line 74, in SparseConv3d return factory.build() File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/modelfactory.py", line 73, in build return self._build_unet() File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/sparseconv3d.py", line 88, in _build_unet return SparseConv3dUnet(model_config, None, None, modules_lib, File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/applications/sparseconv3d.py", line 112, in init super().init(model_config, model_type, dataset, modules) File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/base_architectures/unet.py", line 399, in init self._init_from_compact_format( File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/base_architectures/unet.py", line 444, in _init_from_compact_format down_conv_3d = self._build_module(opt.down_conv, i, flow="DOWN") File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/models/base_architectures/unet.py", line 641, in _build_module return module(**args) File "/home/DeepViewAgg-release/torch_points3d/modules/SparseConv3d/modules.py", line 140, in init .append(snn.ReLU())) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Set the environment variable HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 for a complete stack trace.

Damien ROBERT @.***> 於 2023年7月20日 週四 下午8:52寫道:

I notice several discrepancies between your dependencies and what you should have had if you installed the project using ./install.sh as recommended.

In particular, you should have:

  • torch-geometric==1.6.3
  • torch==1.7.1
  • torchsparse==1.1.0

Some of these libraries are not backward-compatible, which means installing more recent versions will break this project.

Please make sure you install the project by running the provided, untouched ./install.sh. Only then, please test again and let me know how things go.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/drprojects/DeepViewAgg/issues/28#issuecomment-1643872435, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AZTNDAQUP7BLCQJG6UU3XGLXRESZVANCNFSM6AAAAAA2RC6D7I . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

drprojects commented 1 year ago

Hi, based on what you say and on issue #27, it sounds like you have been making some modifications to the project.

I am really glad :blush: you find this project interesting and are trying to make use of it. However, there are limits to how much time I can dedicate for support here:

Can you please make sure that you have not modified essential files and share the output of:

git status

and of:

git diff c94656c190b3a58c67587719091677907cd8db3f YOUR_CURRENT_COMMIT

Besides, it seems you have been mostly using this project for 3D-only semantic segmentation on KITTI-360. Do you also intend to use 2D images along with 3D points for 3D semantic segmentation, in your current project ? If not, the present project is overkill for your needs and you may be better off using the official torch-points3d repo.

Tommydied commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your response.

Damien ROBERT @.***> 於 2023年7月24日 週一 下午1:28寫道:

Hi, based on what you say and on issue #27 https://github.com/drprojects/DeepViewAgg/issues/27, it sounds like you have been making some modifications to the project.

I am really glad 😊 you find this project interesting and are trying to make use of it. However, there are limits to how much time I can dedicate for support here:


✔️ I can provide help to clarify how the released code works and make some suggestions on how to extend the current codebase.

❌ I cannot provide support for things I did not build myself and that break the way the project works.

Can you please make sure that you have not modified essential files and share the output of:

git status

and of:

git diff c94656c190b3a58c67587719091677907cd8db3f YOUR_CURRENT_COMMIT

Besides, it seems you have been mostly using this project for 3D-only semantic segmentation on KITTI-360. Do you also intend to use 2D images along with 3D points for 3D semantic segmentation, in your current project ? If not, the present project is overkill for your needs and you may be better off using the official torch-points3d repo.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/drprojects/DeepViewAgg/issues/28#issuecomment-1647232653, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AZTNDAWKDFGCSN6BQTMRVJTXRYBXRANCNFSM6AAAAAA2RC6D7I . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

drprojects commented 1 year ago

Without further details from you, I consider this issue closed.