drprojects / superpoint_transformer

Official PyTorch implementation of Superpoint Transformer introduced in [ICCV'23] "Efficient 3D Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Transformer" and SuperCluster introduced in [3DV'24 Oral] "Scalable 3D Panoptic Segmentation As Superpoint Graph Clustering"
MIT License
560 stars 72 forks source link

Training SuperCluster on a custom dataset #147

Closed narges-tk closed 1 month ago

narges-tk commented 1 month ago

Hi! Thanks for your nice work! I am training SuperCluster on a custom dataset (created by following the data instruction you provided). However, I am facing a crash. Please find detailed info below. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated :)

ntakhtke   master U:11 ?:45  ❲c❳ spt2  ~/superpoint_transformer  139  python src/train.py experiment=panoptic/tree
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,054][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Enforcing tags! <cfg.extras.enforce_tags=True>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,059][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Printing config tree with Rich! <cfg.extras.print_config=True>
├── datamodule
│   └── partition_hf:                                                                                                       
│       - linearity                                                                                                         
│       - planarity                                                                                                         
│       - scattering                                                                                                        
│       - elevation                                                                                                         
│       point_hf:                                                                                                           
│       - intensity                                                                                                         
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,476][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating datamodule <src.datamodules.tree.TREEDataModule>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,693][src.datamodules.base][ERROR] - Error trying to create on_device_train_transform, [{'transform': 'NodeSize'}, {'transform': 'SampleSubNodes', 'params': {'low': 0, 'high': 1, 'n_min': 32, 'n_max': 128}}, {'transform': 'SampleRadiusSubgraphs', 'params': {'r': 50, 'k': 4, 'i_level': 1, 'by_size': False, 'by_class': False, 'disjoint': True}}, {'transform': 'SampleSegments', 'params': {'ratio': 0.2, 'by_size': True, 'by_class': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGRestrictSize', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'num_nodes': 50000}}, {'transform': 'NAGCast'}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'pos', 'sigma': 0.05, 'trunc': 0.1}}, {'transform': 'RandomTiltAndRotatdalese', 'params': {'phi': 0.1, 'theta': 180}}, {'transform': 'RandomAnisotropicScale', 'params': {'delta': 0.2}}, {'transform': 'RandomAxisFlip', 'params': {'p': 0.5}}, {'transform': 'OnTheFlyHorizontalEdgeFeatures', 'params': {'keys': ['mean_off', 'std_off', 'mean_dist', 'angle_source', 'angle_target', 'centroid_dir', 'centroid_dist', 'normal_angle', 'log_length', 'log_surface', 'log_volume', 'log_size'], 'use_mean_normal': False}}, {'transform': 'OnTheFlyVerticalEdgeFeatures', 'params': {'keys': [], 'use_mean_normal': False}}, {'transform': 'SampleEdges', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'n_min': -1, 'n_max': -1}}, {'transform': 'NAGRestrictSize', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'num_edges': 1000000}}, {'transform': 'NAGAddKeysTo', 'params': {'level': 0, 'keys': ['intensity', 'linearity', 'planarity', 'scattering', 'verticality', 'elevation'], 'to': 'x'}}, {'transform': 'NAGAddKeysTo', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'keys': [], 'to': 'x'}}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'x', 'sigma': 0, 'trunc': 0}}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'edge_attr', 'sigma': 0, 'trunc': 0}}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'v_edge_attr', 'sigma': 0, 'trunc': 0}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutColumns', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'x', 'inplace': True, 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutColumns', 'params': {'p': 0.3, 'key': 'edge_attr', 'inplace': True, 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutColumns', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'v_edge_attr', 'inplace': True, 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutRows', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'x', 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutRows', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'edge_attr', 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutRows', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'v_edge_attr', 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGAddSelfLoops'}, {'transform': 'OnTheFlyInstanceGraph', 'params': {'level': 1, 'num_classes': 5, 'k_max': 20, 'radius': 20}}]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datamodules/base.py", line 195, in set_transforms
    transform = instantiate_transforms(params)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/transforms/__init__.py", line 102, in instantiate_transforms
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/transforms/__init__.py", line 63, in instantiate_transform
    raise ValueError(f"Transform {tr_name} is nowhere to be found")
ValueError: Transform RandomTiltAndRotatdalese is nowhere to be found
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,695][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating model <src.models.panoptic.PanopticSegmentationModule>
/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/utilities/parsing.py:199: Attribute 'node_offset_criterion' is an instance of `nn.Module` and is already saved during checkpointing. It is recommended to ignore them using `self.save_hyperparameters(ignore=['node_offset_criterion'])`.
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,828][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating callbacks...
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,828][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,832][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,833][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichModelSummary>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,834][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichProgressBar>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,835][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.LearningRateMonitor>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,835][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.GradientAccumulationScheduler>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,836][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating loggers...
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,836][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating logger <pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb.WandbLogger>
[2024-08-02 17:32:39,882][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating trainer <pytorch_lightning.Trainer>
Trainer already configured with model summary callbacks: [<class 'pytorch_lightning.callbacks.rich_model_summary.RichModelSummary'>]. Skipping setting a default `ModelSummary` callback.
GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
[2024-08-02 17:32:40,025][__main__][INFO] - Logging hyperparameters!
wandb: Currently logged in as: ntakhtkeshha (3dom). Use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin
wandb: wandb version 0.17.5 is available!  To upgrade, please run:
wandb:  $ pip install wandb --upgrade
wandb: Tracking run with wandb version 0.16.6
wandb: Run data is saved locally in /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/train/runs/2024-08-02_17-32-38/wandb/run-20240802_173241-w2nnrl9v
wandb: Run `wandb offline` to turn off syncing.
wandb: Syncing run SPT-64
wandb: ⭐️ View project at https://wandb.ai/3dom/spt_tree
wandb:  View run at https://wandb.ai/3dom/spt_tree/runs/w2nnrl9v
[2024-08-02 17:32:47,437][__main__][INFO] - Starting training!
  0%|                                                                                                | 0/18 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.

Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Cut-pursuit d0 distance: nonpositive total component weight; something went wrong.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
drprojects commented 1 month ago

Hi, can you please investigate & share the size of the Data object that is passed to CutPursuitPartition ? In particular:

narges-tk commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your prompt reply! Here is the info for my train point cloud file:

data.num_points: 1576136 data.num_edges: 0

Besides, pcp_regularization: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3].

Furthermore, maybe the following info would be helpful

├── datamodule
│   └── partition_hf:                                                                                                       
│       - linearity                                                                                                         
│       - planarity                                                                                                         
│       - scattering                                                                                                        
│       - elevation                                                                                                         
│       point_hf:                                                                                                           
│       - intensity                                                                                                         
│       - linearity                                                                                                         
│       - planarity                                                                                                         
│       - scattering                                                                                                        
│       - verticality                                                                                                       
│       - elevation                                                                                                         
│       segment_base_hf: []                                                                                                 
│       segment_mean_hf: []                                                                                                 
│       segment_std_hf: []                                                                                                  
│       edge_hf:                                                                                                            
│       - mean_off                                                                                                          
│       - std_off                                                                                                           
│       - mean_dist                                                                                                         
│       - angle_source                                                                                                      
│       - angle_target                                                                                                      
│       - centroid_dir                                                                                                      
│       - centroid_dist                                                                                                     
│       - normal_angle                                                                                                      
│       - log_length                                                                                                        
│       - log_surface                                                                                                       
│       - log_volume                                                                                                        
│       - log_size                                                                                                          
│       v_edge_hf: []                                                                                                       
│       h_edge_hf_need_normal: true                                                                                         
│       v_edge_hf_need_normal: false                                                                                        
│       edge_hf_need_log_length: true                                                                                       
│       edge_hf_need_log_surface: true                                                                                      
│       edge_hf_need_log_volume: true                                                                                       
│       edge_hf_need_log_size: true                                                                                         
│       extra_point_hf: []                                                                                                  
│       extra_segment_hf:                                                                                                   
│       - normal                                                                                                            
│       - log_length                                                                                                        
│       - log_surface                                                                                                       
│       - log_volume                                                                                                        
│       - log_size                                                                                                          
│       segment_hf: []                                                                                                      
│       point_hf_preprocess:                                                                                                
│       - planarity                                                                                                         
│       - linearity                                                                                                         
│       - scattering                                                                                                        
│       - verticality                                                                                                       
│       - elevation                                                                                                         
│       - intensity                                                                                                         
│       segment_base_hf_preprocess:                                                                                         
│       - normal                                                                                                            
│       - log_size                                                                                                          
│       - log_volume                                                                                                        
│       - log_surface                                                                                                       
│       - log_length                                                                                                        
│       segment_mean_hf_preprocess: []                                                                                      
│       segment_std_hf_preprocess: []                                                                                       
│       num_hf_point: 6                                                                                                     
│       num_hf_segment: 0                                                                                                   
│       num_hf_edge: 18                                                                                                     
│       num_hf_v_edge: 0                                                                                                    
│       obj_key:                                                                                                            
│       - obj                                                                                                               
│       point_full_res_key:                                                                                                 
│       - sub                                                                                                               
│       point_save_keys: null                                                                                               
│       point_no_save_keys:                                                                                                 
│       - edge_index                                                                                                        
│       - edge_attr                                                                                                         
│       - neighbor_index                                                                                                    
│       - neighbor_distance                                                                                                 
│       - node_size                                                                                                         
│       - grid_size                                                                                                         
│       segment_save_keys: null                                                                                             
│       point_basic_load_keys:                                                                                              
│       - pos                                                                                                               
│       - pos_offset                                                                                                        
│       - 'y'                                                                                                               
│       - obj                                                                                                               
│       - super_index                                                                                                       
│       segment_basic_load_keys:                                                                                            
│       - pos                                                                                                               
│       - 'y'                                                                                                               
│       - super_index                                                                                                       
│       - sub                                                                                                               
│       - edge_index                                                                                                        
│       - edge_attr                                                                                                         
│       point_load_keys:                                                                                                    
│       - planarity                                                                                                         
│       - obj                                                                                                               
│       - linearity                                                                                                         
│       - super_index                                                                                                       
│       - pos                                                                                                               
│       - scattering                                                                                                        
│       - verticality                                                                                                       
│       - elevation                                                                                                         
│       - pos_offset                                                                                                        
│       - intensity                                                                                                         
│       - 'y'                                                                                                               
│       segment_load_keys:                                                                                                  
│       - normal                                                                                                            
│       - edge_attr                                                                                                         
│       - obj                                                                                                               
│       - sub                                                                                                               
│       - pos                                                                                                               
│       - super_index                                                                                                       
│       - log_volume                                                                                                        
│       - log_size                                                                                                          
│       - log_surface                                                                                                       
│       - edge_index                                                                                                        
│       - log_length                                                                                                        
│       - 'y'                                                                                                               
│       feat_size:                                                                                                          
│         pos: 3                                                                                                            
│         pos_room: 3                                                                                                       
│         rgb: 3                                                                                                            
│         hsv: 3                                                                                                            
│         lab: 3                                                                                                            
│         density: 1                                                                                                        
│         linearity: 1                                                                                                      
│         planarity: 1                                                                                                      
│         scattering: 1                                                                                                     
│         verticality: 1                                                                                                    
│         normal: 3                                                                                                         
│         length: 1                                                                                                         
│         surface: 1                                                                                                        
│         volume: 1                                                                                                         
│         curvature: 1                                                                                                      
│         elevation: 1                                                                                                      
│         size: 1                                                                                                           
│         intensity: 1                                                                                                      
│         log_pos: 3                                                                                                        
│         log_pos_room: 3                                                                                                   
│         log_rgb: 3                                                                                                        
│         log_hsv: 3                                                                                                        
│         log_lab: 3                                                                                                        
│         log_density: 1                                                                                                    
│         log_linearity: 1                                                                                                  
│         log_planarity: 1                                                                                                  
│         log_scattering: 1                                                                                                 
│         log_verticality: 1                                                                                                
│         log_normal: 3                                                                                                     
│         log_length: 1                                                                                                     
│         log_surface: 1                                                                                                    
│         log_volume: 1                                                                                                     
│         log_curvature: 1                                                                                                  
│         log_elevation: 1                                                                                                  
│         log_size: 1                                                                                                       
│         mean_pos: 3                                                                                                       
│         mean_pos_room: 3                                                                                                  
│         mean_rgb: 3                                                                                                       
│         mean_hsv: 3                                                                                                       
│         mean_lab: 3                                                                                                       
│         mean_density: 1                                                                                                   
│         mean_linearity: 1                                                                                                 
│         mean_planarity: 1                                                                                                 
│         mean_scattering: 1                                                                                                
│         mean_verticality: 1                                                                                               
│         mean_normal: 3                                                                                                    
│         mean_length: 1                                                                                                    
│         mean_surface: 1                                                                                                   
│         mean_volume: 1                                                                                                    
│         mean_curvature: 1                                                                                                 
│         mean_elevation: 1                                                                                                 
│         mean_size: 1                                                                                                      
│         mean_intensity: 1                                                                                                 
│         std_pos: 3                                                                                                        
│         std_pos_room: 3                                                                                                   
│         std_rgb: 3                                                                                                        
│         std_hsv: 3                                                                                                        
│         std_lab: 3                                                                                                        
│         std_density: 1                                                                                                    
│         std_linearity: 1                                                                                                  
│         std_planarity: 1                                                                                                  
│         std_scattering: 1                                                                                                 
│         std_verticality: 1                                                                                                
│         std_normal: 3                                                                                                     
│         std_length: 1                                                                                                     
│         std_surface: 1                                                                                                    
│         std_volume: 1                                                                                                     
│         std_curvature: 1                                                                                                  
│         std_elevation: 1                                                                                                  
│         std_size: 1                                                                                                       
│         std_intensity: 1                                                                                                  
│         mean_off: 3                                                                                                       
│         std_off: 3                                                                                                        
│         mean_dist: 1                                                                                                      
│         angle_source: 1                                                                                                   
│         angle_target: 1                                                                                                   
│         centroid_dir: 3                                                                                                   
│         centroid_dist: 1                                                                                                  
│         normal_angle: 1                                                                                                   
│       _target_: src.datamodules.tree.TREEDataModule                                                                       
│       data_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/data/                                                               
│       num_classes: 5                                                                                                      
│       stuff_classes: []                                                                                                   
│       instance: true                                                                                                      
│       instance_k_max: 20                                                                                                  
│       instance_radius: 20                                                                                                 
│       min_instance_size: 100                                                                                              
│       mini: false                                                                                                         
│       save_y_to_csr: true                                                                                                 
│       save_pos_dtype: float32                                                                                             
│       save_fp_dtype: float16                                                                                              
│       in_memory: false                                                                                                    
│       lite_preprocessing: true                                                                                            
│       load_full_res_idx: false                                                                                            
│       max_num_nodes: 50000                                                                                                
│       max_num_edges: 1000000                                                                                              
│       pre_transform:                                                                                                      
│       - transform: SaveNodeIndex                                                                                          
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           key: sub                                                                                                        
│       - transform: DataTo                                                                                                 
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           device: cuda                                                                                                    
│       - transform: GridSampling3D                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           size: 0.1                                                                                                       
│           hist_key: 'y'                                                                                                   
│           hist_size: 6                                                                                                    
│       - transform: KNN                                                                                                    
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           k: 25                                                                                                           
│           r_max: 10                                                                                                       
│           verbose: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: DataTo                                                                                                 
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           device: cpu                                                                                                     
│       - transform: GroundElevation                                                                                        
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           threshold: 3#d=5                                                                                                
│           scale: 40#d=20                                                                                                  
│       - transform: PointFeatures                                                                                          
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - planarity                                                                                                     
│           - linearity                                                                                                     
│           - scattering                                                                                                    
│           - verticality                                                                                                   
│           - elevation                                                                                                     
│           - intensity                                                                                                     
│           k_min: 1                                                                                                        
│           k_step: -1                                                                                                      
│           k_min_search: 10                                                                                                
│       - transform: DataTo                                                                                                 
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           device: cuda                                                                                                    
│       - transform: AdjacencyGraph                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           k: 10                                                                                                           
│           w: 1                                                                                                            
│       - transform: ConnectIsolated                                                                                        
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           k: 1                                                                                                            
│       - transform: DataTo                                                                                                 
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           device: cpu                                                                                                     
│       - transform: AddKeysTo                                                                                              
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - linearity                                                                                                     
│           - planarity                                                                                                     
│           - scattering                                                                                                    
│           - elevation                                                                                                     
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│           delete_after: false                                                                                             
│       - transform: CutPursuitPartition                                                                                    
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           regularization:                                                                                                 
│           - 0.1                                                                                                           
│           - 0.2                                                                                                           
│           - 0.3                                                                                                           
│           spatial_weight:                                                                                                 
│           - 0.1                                                                                                           
│           - 0.01                                                                                                          
│           - 0.001                                                                                                         
│           k_adjacency: 10                                                                                                 
│           cutoff:                                                                                                         
│           - 10                                                                                                            
│           - 30                                                                                                            
│           - 100                                                                                                           
│           iterations: 15                                                                                                  
│           parallel: true                                                                                                  
│           verbose: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGRemoveKeys                                                                                          
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: all                                                                                                      
│           keys: x                                                                                                         
│       - transform: NAGTo                                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           device: cuda                                                                                                    
│       - transform: SegmentFeatures                                                                                        
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           n_min: 32                                                                                                       
│           n_max: 128                                                                                                      
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - normal                                                                                                        
│           - log_size                                                                                                      
│           - log_volume                                                                                                    
│           - log_surface                                                                                                   
│           - log_length                                                                                                    
│           mean_keys: []                                                                                                   
│           std_keys: []                                                                                                    
│           strict: false                                                                                                   
│       - transform: RadiusHorizontalGraph                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           k_min: 1                                                                                                        
│           k_max: 30                                                                                                       
│           gap:                                                                                                            
│           - 5                                                                                                             
│           - 30                                                                                                            
│           - 30                                                                                                            
│           se_ratio: 0.3                                                                                                   
│           se_min: 20                                                                                                      
│           cycles: 3                                                                                                       
│           margin: 0.5                                                                                                     
│           chunk_size:                                                                                                     
│           - 1000000.0                                                                                                     
│           - 100000.0                                                                                                      
│           - 100000.0                                                                                                      
│           halfspace_filter: true                                                                                          
│           bbox_filter: true                                                                                               
│           target_pc_flip: true                                                                                            
│           source_pc_sort: false                                                                                           
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - mean_off                                                                                                      
│           - std_off                                                                                                       
│           - mean_dist                                                                                                     
│       - transform: NAGTo                                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           device: cpu                                                                                                     
│       train_transform: null                                                                                               
│       val_transform: null                                                                                                 
│       test_transform: null                                                                                                
│       on_device_train_transform:                                                                                          
│       - transform: NodeSize                                                                                               
│       - transform: SampleSubNodes                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           low: 0                                                                                                          
│           high: 1                                                                                                         
│           n_min: 32                                                                                                       
│           n_max: 128                                                                                                      
│       - transform: SampleRadiusSubgraphs                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           r: 50                                                                                                           
│           k: 4                                                                                                            
│           i_level: 1                                                                                                      
│           by_size: false                                                                                                  
│           by_class: false                                                                                                 
│           disjoint: true                                                                                                  
│       - transform: SampleSegments                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           ratio: 0.2                                                                                                      
│           by_size: true                                                                                                   
│           by_class: false                                                                                                 
│       - transform: NAGRestrictSize                                                                                        
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1+                                                                                                       
│           num_nodes: 50000                                                                                                
│       - transform: NAGCast                                                                                                
│       - transform: NAGJitterKey                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           key: pos                                                                                                        
│           sigma: 0.05                                                                                                     
│           trunc: 0.1                                                                                                      
│       - transform: RandomTiltAndRotatdalese                                                                               
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           phi: 0.1                                                                                                        
│           theta: 180                                                                                                      
│       - transform: RandomAnisotropicScale                                                                                 
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           delta: 0.2                                                                                                      
│       - transform: RandomAxisFlip                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0.5                                                                                                          
│       - transform: OnTheFlyHorizontalEdgeFeatures                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - mean_off                                                                                                      
│           - std_off                                                                                                       
│           - mean_dist                                                                                                     
│           - angle_source                                                                                                  
│           - angle_target                                                                                                  
│           - centroid_dir                                                                                                  
│           - centroid_dist                                                                                                 
│           - normal_angle                                                                                                  
│           - log_length                                                                                                    
│           - log_surface                                                                                                   
│           - log_volume                                                                                                    
│           - log_size                                                                                                      
│           use_mean_normal: false                                                                                          
│       - transform: OnTheFlyVerticalEdgeFeatures                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys: []                                                                                                        
│           use_mean_normal: false                                                                                          
│       - transform: SampleEdges                                                                                            
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1+                                                                                                       
│           n_min: -1                                                                                                       
│           n_max: -1                                                                                                       
│       - transform: NAGRestrictSize                                                                                        
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1+                                                                                                       
│           num_edges: 1000000                                                                                              
│       - transform: NAGAddKeysTo                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 0                                                                                                        
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - intensity                                                                                                     
│           - linearity                                                                                                     
│           - planarity                                                                                                     
│           - scattering                                                                                                    
│           - verticality                                                                                                   
│           - elevation                                                                                                     
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│       - transform: NAGAddKeysTo                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1+                                                                                                       
│           keys: []                                                                                                        
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│       - transform: NAGJitterKey                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           key: x                                                                                                          
│           sigma: 0                                                                                                        
│           trunc: 0                                                                                                        
│       - transform: NAGJitterKey                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           key: edge_attr                                                                                                  
│           sigma: 0                                                                                                        
│           trunc: 0                                                                                                        
│       - transform: NAGJitterKey                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           key: v_edge_attr                                                                                                
│           sigma: 0                                                                                                        
│           trunc: 0                                                                                                        
│       - transform: NAGDropoutColumns                                                                                      
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0                                                                                                            
│           key: x                                                                                                          
│           inplace: true                                                                                                   
│           to_mean: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGDropoutColumns                                                                                      
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0.3                                                                                                          
│           key: edge_attr                                                                                                  
│           inplace: true                                                                                                   
│           to_mean: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGDropoutColumns                                                                                      
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0                                                                                                            
│           key: v_edge_attr                                                                                                
│           inplace: true                                                                                                   
│           to_mean: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGDropoutRows                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0                                                                                                            
│           key: x                                                                                                          
│           to_mean: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGDropoutRows                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0                                                                                                            
│           key: edge_attr                                                                                                  
│           to_mean: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGDropoutRows                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           p: 0                                                                                                            
│           key: v_edge_attr                                                                                                
│           to_mean: false                                                                                                  
│       - transform: NAGAddSelfLoops                                                                                        
│       - transform: OnTheFlyInstanceGraph                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1                                                                                                        
│           num_classes: 5                                                                                                  
│           k_max: 20                                                                                                       
│           radius: 20                                                                                                      
│       on_device_val_transform:                                                                                            
│       - transform: NodeSize                                                                                               
│       - transform: SampleSubNodes                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           low: 0                                                                                                          
│           high: 1                                                                                                         
│           n_min: 128                                                                                                      
│           n_max: 256                                                                                                      
│       - transform: NAGCast                                                                                                
│       - transform: OnTheFlyHorizontalEdgeFeatures                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - mean_off                                                                                                      
│           - std_off                                                                                                       
│           - mean_dist                                                                                                     
│           - angle_source                                                                                                  
│           - angle_target                                                                                                  
│           - centroid_dir                                                                                                  
│           - centroid_dist                                                                                                 
│           - normal_angle                                                                                                  
│           - log_length                                                                                                    
│           - log_surface                                                                                                   
│           - log_volume                                                                                                    
│           - log_size                                                                                                      
│           use_mean_normal: false                                                                                          
│       - transform: OnTheFlyVerticalEdgeFeatures                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys: []                                                                                                        
│           use_mean_normal: false                                                                                          
│       - transform: NAGAddKeysTo                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 0                                                                                                        
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - intensity                                                                                                     
│           - linearity                                                                                                     
│           - planarity                                                                                                     
│           - scattering                                                                                                    
│           - verticality                                                                                                   
│           - elevation                                                                                                     
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│       - transform: NAGAddKeysTo                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1+                                                                                                       
│           keys: []                                                                                                        
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│       - transform: NAGAddSelfLoops                                                                                        
│       - transform: OnTheFlyInstanceGraph                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1                                                                                                        
│           num_classes: 5                                                                                                  
│           k_max: 20                                                                                                       
│           radius: 20                                                                                                      
│       on_device_test_transform:                                                                                           
│       - transform: NodeSize                                                                                               
│       - transform: SampleSubNodes                                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           low: 0                                                                                                          
│           high: 1                                                                                                         
│           n_min: 128                                                                                                      
│           n_max: 256                                                                                                      
│       - transform: NAGCast                                                                                                
│       - transform: OnTheFlyHorizontalEdgeFeatures                                                                         
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - mean_off                                                                                                      
│           - std_off                                                                                                       
│           - mean_dist                                                                                                     
│           - angle_source                                                                                                  
│           - angle_target                                                                                                  
│           - centroid_dir                                                                                                  
│           - centroid_dist                                                                                                 
│           - normal_angle                                                                                                  
│           - log_length                                                                                                    
│           - log_surface                                                                                                   
│           - log_volume                                                                                                    
│           - log_size                                                                                                      
│           use_mean_normal: false                                                                                          
│       - transform: OnTheFlyVerticalEdgeFeatures                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           keys: []                                                                                                        
│           use_mean_normal: false                                                                                          
│       - transform: NAGAddKeysTo                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 0                                                                                                        
│           keys:                                                                                                           
│           - intensity                                                                                                     
│           - linearity                                                                                                     
│           - planarity                                                                                                     
│           - scattering                                                                                                    
│           - verticality                                                                                                   
│           - elevation                                                                                                     
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│       - transform: NAGAddKeysTo                                                                                           
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1+                                                                                                       
│           keys: []                                                                                                        
│           to: x                                                                                                           
│       - transform: NAGAddSelfLoops                                                                                        
│       - transform: OnTheFlyInstanceGraph                                                                                  
│         params:                                                                                                           
│           level: 1                                                                                                        
│           num_classes: 5                                                                                                  
│           k_max: 20                                                                                                       
│           radius: 20                                                                                                      
│       tta_runs: null                                                                                                      
│       tta_val: false                                                                                                      
│       submit: false                                                                                                       
│       dataloader:                                                                                                         
│         batch_size: 4                                                                                                     
│         num_workers: 4                                                                                                    
│         pin_memory: true                                                                                                  
│         persistent_workers: true                                                                                          
│       trainval: true                                                                                                      
│       val_on_test: False#True                                                                                             
│       xy_tiling: 3                                                                                                        
│       voxel: 0.1                                                                                                          
│       knn: 25                                                                                                             
│       knn_r: 10                                                                                                           
│       knn_step: -1                                                                                                        
│       knn_min_search: 10                                                                                                  
│       ground_threshold: 3#d=5                                                                                             
│       ground_scale: 40#d=20                                                                                               
│       pcp_regularization:                                                                                                 
│       - 0.1                                                                                                               
│       - 0.2                                                                                                               
│       - 0.3                                                                                                               
│       pcp_spatial_weight:                                                                                                 
│       - 0.1                                                                                                               
│       - 0.01                                                                                                              
│       - 0.001                                                                                                             
│       pcp_cutoff:                                                                                                         
│       - 10                                                                                                                
│       - 30                                                                                                                
│       - 100                                                                                                               
│       pcp_k_adjacency: 10                                                                                                 
│       pcp_w_adjacency: 1                                                                                                  
│       pcp_iterations: 15                                                                                                  
│       graph_k_min: 1                                                                                                      
│       graph_k_max: 30                                                                                                     
│       graph_gap:                                                                                                          
│       - 5                                                                                                                 
│       - 30                                                                                                                
│       - 30                                                                                                                
│       graph_se_ratio: 0.3                                                                                                 
│       graph_se_min: 20                                                                                                    
│       graph_cycles: 3                                                                                                     
│       graph_margin: 0.5                                                                                                   
│       graph_chunk:                                                                                                        
│       - 1000000.0                                                                                                         
│       - 100000.0                                                                                                          
│       - 100000.0                                                                                                          
│       sample_segment_ratio: 0.2                                                                                           
│       sample_segment_by_size: true                                                                                        
│       sample_segment_by_class: false                                                                                      
│       sample_point_min: 32                                                                                                
│       sample_point_max: 128                                                                                               
│       sample_graph_r: 50                                                                                                  
│       sample_graph_k: 4                                                                                                   
│       sample_graph_disjoint: true                                                                                         
│       sample_edge_n_min: -1                                                                                               
│       sample_edge_n_max: -1                                                                                               
│       pos_jitter: 0.05                                                                                                    
│       tilt_n_rotate_phi: 0.1                                                                                              
│       tilt_n_rotate_theta: 180                                                                                            
│       anisotropic_scaling: 0.2                                                                                            
│       node_feat_jitter: 0                                                                                                 
│       h_edge_feat_jitter: 0                                                                                               
│       v_edge_feat_jitter: 0                                                                                               
│       node_feat_drop: 0                                                                                                   
│       h_edge_feat_drop: 0.3                                                                                               
│       v_edge_feat_drop: 0                                                                                                 
│       node_row_drop: 0                                                                                                    
│       h_edge_row_drop: 0                                                                                                  
│       v_edge_row_drop: 0                                                                                                  
│       drop_to_mean: false                                                                                                 
├── model
│   └── _target_: src.models.panoptic.PanopticSegmentationModule                                                            
│       num_classes: 5                                                                                                      
│       sampling_loss: false                                                                                                
│       loss_type: ce_kl                                                                                                    
│       weighted_loss: true                                                                                                 
│       init_linear: null                                                                                                   
│       init_rpe: null                                                                                                      
│       multi_stage_loss_lambdas:                                                                                           
│       - 1                                                                                                                 
│       - 50                                                                                                                
│       transformer_lr_scale: 0.1                                                                                           
│       gc_every_n_steps: 0                                                                                                 
│       optimizer:                                                                                                          
│         _target_: torch.optim.AdamW                                                                                       
│         _partial_: true                                                                                                   
│         lr: 0.01                                                                                                          
│         weight_decay: 0.0001                                                                                              
│       scheduler:                                                                                                          
│         _target_: src.optim.CosineAnnealingLRWithWarmup                                                                   
│         _partial_: true                                                                                                   
│         T_max: 380                                                                                                        
│         eta_min: 1.0e-06                                                                                                  
│         warmup_init_lr: 1.0e-06                                                                                           
│         num_warmup: 20                                                                                                    
│         warmup_strategy: cos                                                                                              
│       criterion:                                                                                                          
│         _target_: torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss                                                                               
│         ignore_index: 5                                                                                                   
│       _point_mlp:                                                                                                         
│       - 32                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       _node_mlp_out: 32                                                                                                   
│       _h_edge_mlp_out: 32                                                                                                 
│       _v_edge_mlp_out: 32                                                                                                 
│       _point_hf_dim: 10                                                                                                   
│       _node_hf_dim: 0                                                                                                     
│       _node_injection_dim: 4                                                                                              
│       _h_edge_hf_dim: 18                                                                                                  
│       _v_edge_hf_dim: 0                                                                                                   
│       _down_dim:                                                                                                          
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       _up_dim:                                                                                                            
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       - 64                                                                                                                
│       _mlp_depth: 2                                                                                                       
│       net:                                                                                                                
│         point_mlp:                                                                                                        
│         - 10                                                                                                              
│         - 32                                                                                                              
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         point_drop: null                                                                                                  
│         down_dim:                                                                                                         
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         down_pool_dim:                                                                                                    
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         down_in_mlp:                                                                                                      
│         - - 68                                                                                                            
│           - 64                                                                                                            
│           - 64                                                                                                            
│         - - 68                                                                                                            
│           - 64                                                                                                            
│           - 64                                                                                                            
│         down_out_mlp: null                                                                                                
│         down_mlp_drop: null                                                                                               
│         down_num_heads: 16                                                                                                
│         down_num_blocks: 3                                                                                                
│         down_ffn_ratio: 1                                                                                                 
│         down_residual_drop: null                                                                                          
│         down_attn_drop: null                                                                                              
│         down_drop_path: null                                                                                              
│         up_dim:                                                                                                           
│         - 64                                                                                                              
│         up_in_mlp:                                                                                                        
│         - - 132                                                                                                           
│           - 64                                                                                                            
│           - 64                                                                                                            
│         up_out_mlp: null                                                                                                  
│         up_mlp_drop: null                                                                                                 
│         up_num_heads: 16                                                                                                  
│         up_num_blocks: 1                                                                                                  
│         up_ffn_ratio: 1                                                                                                   
│         up_residual_drop: null                                                                                            
│         up_attn_drop: null                                                                                                
│         up_drop_path: null                                                                                                
│         activation:                                                                                                       
│           _target_: torch.nn.LeakyReLU                                                                                    
│         norm:                                                                                                             
│           _target_: src.nn.GraphNorm                                                                                      
│           _partial_: true                                                                                                 
│         pre_norm: true                                                                                                    
│         no_sa: false                                                                                                      
│         no_ffn: true                                                                                                      
│         qk_dim: 4                                                                                                         
│         qkv_bias: true                                                                                                    
│         qk_scale: null                                                                                                    
│         in_rpe_dim: 32                                                                                                    
│         k_rpe: true                                                                                                       
│         q_rpe: true                                                                                                       
│         v_rpe: true                                                                                                       
│         k_delta_rpe: false                                                                                                
│         q_delta_rpe: false                                                                                                
│         qk_share_rpe: false                                                                                               
│         q_on_minus_rpe: false                                                                                             
│         stages_share_rpe: false                                                                                           
│         blocks_share_rpe: false                                                                                           
│         heads_share_rpe: false                                                                                            
│         _target_: src.models.components.spt.SPT                                                                           
│         nano: false                                                                                                       
│         node_mlp: null                                                                                                    
│         h_edge_mlp:                                                                                                       
│         - 18                                                                                                              
│         - 32                                                                                                              
│         - 32                                                                                                              
│         v_edge_mlp:                                                                                                       
│         - 0                                                                                                               
│         - 32                                                                                                              
│         - 32                                                                                                              
│         share_hf_mlps: false                                                                                              
│         mlp_activation:                                                                                                   
│           _target_: torch.nn.LeakyReLU                                                                                    
│         mlp_norm:                                                                                                         
│           _target_: src.nn.GraphNorm                                                                                      
│           _partial_: true                                                                                                 
│         use_pos: true                                                                                                     
│         use_node_hf: true                                                                                                 
│         use_diameter: false                                                                                               
│         use_diameter_parent: true                                                                                         
│         pool: max                                                                                                         
│         unpool: index                                                                                                     
│         fusion: cat                                                                                                       
│         norm_mode: graph                                                                                                  
│       stuff_classes: []                                                                                                   
│       min_instance_size: 100                                                                                              
│       edge_affinity_head:                                                                                                 
│         _target_: src.nn.MLP                                                                                              
│         dims:                                                                                                             
│         - 128                                                                                                             
│         - 32                                                                                                              
│         - 16                                                                                                              
│         - 1                                                                                                               
│         activation:                                                                                                       
│           _target_: torch.nn.LeakyReLU                                                                                    
│         norm: null                                                                                                        
│         last_norm: false                                                                                                  
│         last_activation: false                                                                                            
│       partitioner:                                                                                                        
│         _target_: src.nn.instance.InstancePartitioner                                                                     
│         regularization: 20                                                                                                
│         x_weight: 0.05                                                                                                    
│         cutoff: 100                                                                                                       
│       partition_every_n_epoch: 10                                                                                         
│       no_instance_metrics: true                                                                                           
│       no_instance_metrics_on_train_set: true                                                                              
│       edge_affinity_criterion:                                                                                            
│         _target_: src.loss.BCEWithLogitsLoss                                                                              
│         weight: null                                                                                                      
│       edge_affinity_loss_weights:                                                                                         
│       - 1                                                                                                                 
│       - 1                                                                                                                 
│       - 1                                                                                                                 
│       - 1                                                                                                                 
│       node_offset_criterion:                                                                                              
│         _target_: src.loss.WeightedL2Loss                                                                                 
│       edge_affinity_loss_lambda: 10                                                                                       
│       node_offset_loss_lambda: 1                                                                                          
├── callbacks
│   └── model_checkpoint:                                                                                                   
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint                                                             
│         dirpath: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/train/runs/2024-08-02_17-32-38/checkpoints                    
│         filename: epoch_{epoch:03d}                                                                                       
│         monitor: val/pq                                                                                                   
│         verbose: false                                                                                                    
│         save_last: true                                                                                                   
│         save_top_k: 1                                                                                                     
│         mode: max                                                                                                         
│         auto_insert_metric_name: false                                                                                    
│         save_weights_only: false                                                                                          
│         every_n_train_steps: null                                                                                         
│         train_time_interval: null                                                                                         
│         every_n_epochs: 10                                                                                                
│         save_on_train_epoch_end: null                                                                                     
│       early_stopping:                                                                                                     
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping                                                               
│         monitor: val/pq                                                                                                   
│         min_delta: 0.0                                                                                                    
│         patience: 500                                                                                                     
│         verbose: false                                                                                                    
│         mode: max                                                                                                         
│         strict: false                                                                                                     
│         check_finite: true                                                                                                
│         stopping_threshold: null                                                                                          
│         divergence_threshold: null                                                                                        
│         check_on_train_epoch_end: null                                                                                    
│       model_summary:                                                                                                      
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichModelSummary                                                            
│         max_depth: -1                                                                                                     
│       rich_progress_bar:                                                                                                  
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichProgressBar                                                             
│       lr_monitor:                                                                                                         
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.LearningRateMonitor                                                         
│         logging_interval: epoch                                                                                           
│         log_momentum: true                                                                                                
│       gradient_accumulator:                                                                                               
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.GradientAccumulationScheduler                                               
│         scheduling:                                                                                                       
│           0: 1                                                                                                            
├── logger
│   └── wandb:                                                                                                              
│         _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb.WandbLogger                                                             
│         save_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/train/runs/2024-08-02_17-32-38                               
│         offline: false                                                                                                    
│         id: null                                                                                                          
│         anonymous: null                                                                                                   
│         project: spt_tree                                                                                                 
│         log_model: false                                                                                                  
│         prefix: ''                                                                                                        
│         group: ''                                                                                                         
│         tags: []                                                                                                          
│         job_type: ''                                                                                                      
│         name: SPT-64                                                                                                      
├── trainer
│   └── _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer                                                                                 
│       default_root_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/train/runs/2024-08-02_17-32-38                         
│       min_epochs: 1                                                                                                       
│       max_epochs: 400                                                                                                     
│       accelerator: gpu                                                                                                    
│       devices: 1                                                                                                          
│       check_val_every_n_epoch: 10                                                                                         
│       deterministic: false                                                                                                
│       precision: 32                                                                                                       
├── paths
│   └── root_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer                                                                     
│       data_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/data/                                                               
│       log_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/                                                                
│       output_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/train/runs/2024-08-02_17-32-38                               
│       work_dir: /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer                                                                     
├── extras
│   └── ignore_warnings: false                                                                                              
│       enforce_tags: true                                                                                                  
│       print_config: true                                                                                                  
├── task_name
│   └── train                                                                                                               
├── optimized_metric
│   └── val/pq                                                                                                              
├── tags
│   └── ['dev']                                                                                                             
├── train
│   └── True                                                                                                                
├── test
│   └── True                                                                                                                
├── compile
│   └── False                                                                                                               
├── ckpt_path
│   └── None                                                                                                                
├── seed
│   └── None                                                                                                                
└── float32_matmul_precision
    └── high                                                                                                                
drprojects commented 1 month ago

data.num_edges: 0 is the problem, you have no edges in your adjacency graph, which is why CutPursuitPartition fails. You probably need to adjust the datamodule config to suit your dataset. In particular, you should adjust the knn and knn_r parameters used for nearest neighbor search. Check the provided notebooks and commented code to understand what these do.

narges-tk commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot! I tried to change knn, knn-r, and pcp_regularization. However, now I am facing a crash by the following error.

[2024-08-03 12:56:18,739][src.datamodules.base][ERROR] - Error trying to create on_device_train_transform, [{'transform': 'NodeSize'}, {'transform': 'SampleSubNodes', 'params': {'low': 0, 'high': 1, 'n_min': 32, 'n_max': 128}}, {'transform': 'SampleRadiusSubgraphs', 'params': {'r': 50, 'k': 4, 'i_level': 1, 'by_size': False, 'by_class': False, 'disjoint': True}}, {'transform': 'SampleSegments', 'params': {'ratio': 0.2, 'by_size': True, 'by_class': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGRestrictSize', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'num_nodes': 50000}}, {'transform': 'NAGCast'}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'pos', 'sigma': 0.05, 'trunc': 0.1}}, {'transform': 'RandomTiltAndRotatdalese', 'params': {'phi': 0.1, 'theta': 180}}, {'transform': 'RandomAnisotropicScale', 'params': {'delta': 0.2}}, {'transform': 'RandomAxisFlip', 'params': {'p': 0.5}}, {'transform': 'OnTheFlyHorizontalEdgeFeatures', 'params': {'keys': ['mean_off', 'std_off', 'mean_dist', 'angle_source', 'angle_target', 'centroid_dir', 'centroid_dist', 'normal_angle', 'log_length', 'log_surface', 'log_volume', 'log_size'], 'use_mean_normal': False}}, {'transform': 'OnTheFlyVerticalEdgeFeatures', 'params': {'keys': [], 'use_mean_normal': False}}, {'transform': 'SampleEdges', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'n_min': -1, 'n_max': -1}}, {'transform': 'NAGRestrictSize', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'num_edges': 1000000}}, {'transform': 'NAGAddKeysTo', 'params': {'level': 0, 'keys': ['intensity', 'linearity', 'planarity', 'scattering', 'verticality', 'elevation'], 'to': 'x'}}, {'transform': 'NAGAddKeysTo', 'params': {'level': '1+', 'keys': [], 'to': 'x'}}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'x', 'sigma': 0, 'trunc': 0}}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'edge_attr', 'sigma': 0, 'trunc': 0}}, {'transform': 'NAGJitterKey', 'params': {'key': 'v_edge_attr', 'sigma': 0, 'trunc': 0}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutColumns', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'x', 'inplace': True, 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutColumns', 'params': {'p': 0.3, 'key': 'edge_attr', 'inplace': True, 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutColumns', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'v_edge_attr', 'inplace': True, 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutRows', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'x', 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutRows', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'edge_attr', 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGDropoutRows', 'params': {'p': 0, 'key': 'v_edge_attr', 'to_mean': False}}, {'transform': 'NAGAddSelfLoops'}, {'transform': 'OnTheFlyInstanceGraph', 'params': {'level': 1, 'num_classes': 5, 'k_max': '20#d=20', 'radius': '20#d=20'}}]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datamodules/base.py", line 195, in set_transforms
    transform = instantiate_transforms(params)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/transforms/__init__.py", line 102, in instantiate_transforms
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/transforms/__init__.py", line 63, in instantiate_transform
    raise ValueError(f"Transform {tr_name} is nowhere to be found")
ValueError: Transform RandomTiltAndRotatdalese is nowhere to be found
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,741][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating model <src.models.panoptic.PanopticSegmentationModule>
/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/utilities/parsing.py:199: Attribute 'node_offset_criterion' is an instance of `nn.Module` and is already saved during checkpointing. It is recommended to ignore them using `self.save_hyperparameters(ignore=['node_offset_criterion'])`.
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,877][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating callbacks...
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,877][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,881][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,882][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichModelSummary>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,883][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichProgressBar>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,884][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.LearningRateMonitor>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,884][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating callback <pytorch_lightning.callbacks.GradientAccumulationScheduler>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,885][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating loggers...
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,885][src.utils.utils][INFO] - Instantiating logger <pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb.WandbLogger>
[2024-08-03 12:56:18,931][__main__][INFO] - Instantiating trainer <pytorch_lightning.Trainer>
Trainer already configured with model summary callbacks: [<class 'pytorch_lightning.callbacks.rich_model_summary.RichModelSummary'>]. Skipping setting a default `ModelSummary` callback.
GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
[2024-08-03 12:56:19,057][__main__][INFO] - Logging hyperparameters!
wandb: Currently logged in as: ntakhtkeshha (3dom). Use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin
wandb: wandb version 0.17.5 is available!  To upgrade, please run:
wandb:  $ pip install wandb --upgrade
wandb: Tracking run with wandb version 0.16.6
wandb: Run data is saved locally in /home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/logs/train/runs/2024-08-03_12-56-17/wandb/run-20240803_125620-6cz5f573
wandb: Run `wandb offline` to turn off syncing.
wandb: Syncing run SPT-64
wandb: ⭐️ View project at https://wandb.ai/3dom/spt_tree
wandb:  View run at https://wandb.ai/3dom/spt_tree/runs/6cz5f573
[2024-08-03 12:56:26,288][__main__][INFO] - Starting training!
  0%|                                                                             | 0/18 [00:00<?, ?it/s]malloc(): corrupted top size
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
drprojects commented 1 month ago

Your message error tells you everything:

ValueError: Transform RandomTiltAndRotatdalese is nowhere to be found

We have not created and do not support any RandomTiltAndRotatdalese in the released codebase.

narges-tk commented 1 month ago

Many thanks! You are right! Now I am getting a new error related to the type. Does it mean the setting of knn, knn_r,... is fine or I should re-change them?

Error executing job with overrides: ['experiment=panoptic/tree']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/train.py", line 139, in main
    metric_dict, _ = train(cfg)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/utils/utils.py", line 48, in wrap
    raise ex
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/utils/utils.py", line 45, in wrap
    metric_dict, object_dict = task_func(cfg=cfg)
  File "src/train.py", line 114, in train
    trainer.fit(model=model, datamodule=datamodule, ckpt_path=cfg.get("ckpt_path"))
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/trainer.py", line 544, in fit
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/call.py", line 44, in _call_and_handle_interrupt
    return trainer_fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/trainer.py", line 580, in _fit_impl
    self._run(model, ckpt_path=ckpt_path)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/trainer.py", line 947, in _run
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/connectors/data_connector.py", line 94, in prepare_data
    call._call_lightning_datamodule_hook(trainer, "prepare_data")
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/call.py", line 179, in _call_lightning_datamodule_hook
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datamodules/base.py", line 144, in prepare_data
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datasets/base.py", line 223, in __init__
    super().__init__(root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch_geometric/data/in_memory_dataset.py", line 57, in __init__
    super().__init__(root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter, log)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch_geometric/data/dataset.py", line 97, in __init__
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datasets/base.py", line 647, in _process
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datasets/base.py", line 682, in process
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/datasets/base.py", line 710, in _process_single_cloud
    nag = self.pre_transform(data)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch_geometric/transforms/compose.py", line 24, in __call__
    data = transform(data)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/transforms/transforms.py", line 23, in __call__
    return self._process(x)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/transforms/partition.py", line 207, in _process
    d2 = d2.connect_isolated(k=self.k_adjacency)
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/data/data.py", line 455, in connect_isolated
    neighbors, distances = knn_2(
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/utils/neighbors.py", line 195, in knn_2
    distances, neighbors, _, _ = frnn.frnn_grid_points(
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/dependencies/FRNN/frnn/frnn.py", line 335, in frnn_grid_points
    idxs, dists, sorted_points2, pc2_grid_off, sorted_points2_idxs, grid_params_cuda = _frnn_grid_points.apply(
  File "/home/ntakhtke/miniconda3/envs/spt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/autograd/function.py", line 553, in apply
    return super().apply(*args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore[misc]
  File "/home/ntakhtke/superpoint_transformer/src/dependencies/FRNN/frnn/frnn.py", line 129, in forward
    _C.counting_sort_cuda(points2, lengths2, pc2_grid_cell,
RuntimeError: expected scalar type Float but found Double

Set the environment variable HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 for a complete stack trace.
drprojects commented 1 month ago

As suggested by the error, you should be using float32 precision to represent point positions. Double precision is usually unnecessary for point cloud semantic processing. Still, if you need to keep track of double precision for global geolocalization, you should use the Data.pos_offset attribute.

You should probably adjust your raw point cloud reader function for that. Have a look at how the readers of the already implemented datasets do. And have a look at issue #72 for float/double precision and pos_offset.

The initial issue is solved and the follow up questions have been related to user-specific implementation errors. I am then closing this issue.

narges-tk commented 1 month ago

As suggested by the error, you should be using float32 precision to represent point positions. Double precision is usually unnecessary for point cloud semantic processing. Still, if you need to keep track of double precision for global geolocalization, you should use the Data.pos_offset attribute.

You should probably adjust your raw point cloud reader function for that. Have a look at how the readers of the already implemented datasets do. And have a look at issue #72 for float/double precision and pos_offset.

The initial issue is solved and the follow up questions have been related to user-specific implementation errors. I am then closing this issue

Many thanks! Re-cloning and re-installation resolved the issue :)