drprojects / superpoint_transformer

Official PyTorch implementation of Superpoint Transformer introduced in [ICCV'23] "Efficient 3D Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Transformer" and SuperCluster introduced in [3DV'24 Oral] "Scalable 3D Panoptic Segmentation As Superpoint Graph Clustering"
MIT License
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Train the model on RGB+iNTENSITY #150

Closed ImaneTopo closed 1 month ago

ImaneTopo commented 1 month ago

Hello, I want to train the model using RGB and INTENSITY. To achieve this, I configured the s3dis.py code to handle both RGB and INTENSITY simultaneously. I also modified the s3dis.yaml file in the partition_hf and point_hf sections. However, the training results don't seem satisfactory. image image

So I suspect there might be some errors in the code or that something is missing. Here's the code s3dis.py using RGB and INTENSITY:

import os
import sys
import glob
import torch
import shutil
import logging
import pandas as pd
import os.path as osp
from src.datasets import BaseDataset
from src.data import Data, Batch, InstanceData
from src.datasets.s3dis_config import *
from torch_geometric.data import extract_zip
from src.utils import available_cpu_count, starmap_with_kwargs, \
    rodrigues_rotation_matrix, to_float_rgb
from src.transforms import RoomPosition

DIR = osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['S3DIS', 'MiniS3DIS']

#                                 Utils                                #

def read_s3dis_area(
        area_dir, xyz=True, rgb=True, intensity=True, semantic=True, instance=True,
        xyz_room=False, align=False, is_val=True, verbose=False, processes=-1):
    """Read all S3DIS object-wise annotations in a given Area directory.
    All room-wise data are accumulated into a single cloud.

    :param area_dir: str
        Absolute path to the Area directory, eg: '/some/path/Area_1'
    :param xyz: bool
        Whether XYZ coordinates should be saved in the output Data.pos
    :param rgb: bool
        Whether RGB colors should be saved in the output Data.rgb
    :param intensity: bool
        Whether intensity values should be saved in the output Data.intensity
    :param semantic: bool
        Whether semantic labels should be saved in the output Data.y
    :param instance: bool
        Whether instance labels should be saved in the output Data.obj
    :param xyz_room: bool
        Whether the canonical room coordinates should be saved in the
        output Data.pos_room, as defined in the S3DIS paper section 3.2:
    :param align: bool
        Whether the room should be rotated to its canonical orientation,
        as defined in the S3DIS paper section 3.2:
    :param is_val: bool
        Whether the output `Batch.is_val` should carry a boolean label
        indicating whether they belong to the Area validation split
    :param verbose: bool
    :param processes: int
        Number of processes to use when reading rooms. `processes < 1`
        will use all CPUs available
        Batch of accumulated points clouds
    # List the object-wise annotation files in the room
    room_directories = sorted(
        [x for x in glob.glob(osp.join(area_dir, '*')) if osp.isdir(x)])

    # Read all rooms in the Area and concatenate point clouds in a Batch
    processes = available_cpu_count() if processes < 1 else processes
    args_iter = [[r] for r in room_directories]
    kwargs_iter = {
        'xyz': xyz, 'rgb': rgb, 'intensity': intensity, 'semantic': semantic, 'instance': instance,
        'xyz_room': xyz_room, 'align': align, 'is_val': is_val,
        'verbose': verbose}
    batch = Batch.from_data_list(starmap_with_kwargs(
        read_s3dis_room, args_iter, kwargs_iter, processes=processes))

    # Convert from Batch to Data
    data_dict = batch.to_dict()
    del data_dict['batch']
    del data_dict['ptr']
    data = Data(**data_dict)

    return data

def read_s3dis_room(
        room_dir, xyz=True, rgb=True, intensity=True, semantic=True, instance=True,
        xyz_room=False, align=False, is_val=True, verbose=False):
    """Read all S3DIS object-wise annotations in a given room directory.

    :param room_dir: str
        Absolute path to the room directory, eg:
    :param xyz: bool
        Whether XYZ coordinates should be saved in the output `Data.pos`
    :param rgb: bool
        Whether RGB colors should be saved in the output `Data.rgb`
    :param intensity: bool
        Whether intensity values should be saved in the output `Data.intensity`
    :param semantic: bool
        Whether semantic labels should be saved in the output `Data.y`
    :param instance: bool
        Whether instance labels should be saved in the output `Data.obj`
    :param xyz_room: bool
        Whether the canonical room coordinates should be saved in the
        output Data.pos_room, as defined in the S3DIS paper section 3.2:
    :param align: bool
        Whether the room should be rotated to its canonical orientation,
        as defined in the S3DIS paper section 3.2:
    :param is_val: bool
        Whether the output `Data.is_val` should carry a boolean label
        indicating whether they belong to their Area validation split
    :param verbose: bool

    :return: Data
    if verbose:
        log.debug(f"Reading room: {room_dir}")

    # Initialize accumulators for xyz, RGB, semantic label, instance label, and intensity
    xyz_list = [] if xyz else None
    rgb_list = [] if rgb else None
    intensity_list = [] if intensity else None
    y_list = [] if semantic else None
    obj_list = [] if instance else None

    # List the object-wise annotation files in the room
    objects = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(room_dir, 'Annotations', '*.txt')))

    # 'Area_5/office_36' contains two 'wall_3' annotation files, so we
    # manually remove the unwanted one
    objects = [
        p for p in objects
        if not p.endswith("Area_5/office_36/Annotations/wall_3 (1).txt")]

    for i_object, path in enumerate(objects):
        object_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0]
        if verbose:
            log.debug(f"Reading object {i_object}: {object_name}")

        # Remove the trailing number in the object name to isolate the
        # object class (e.g. 'chair_24' -> 'chair')
        object_class = object_name.split('_')[0]

        # Convert object class string to int label. Note that by default
        # if an unknown class is read, it will be treated as 'clutter'.
        # This is necessary because an unknown 'staris' class can be
        # found in some rooms
        label = OBJECT_LABEL.get(object_class, OBJECT_LABEL['clutter'])
        points = pd.read_csv(path, sep=' ', header=None).values

        if xyz:
                np.ascontiguousarray(points[:, 0:3], dtype='float32'))

        if rgb:
                    np.ascontiguousarray(points[:, 3:6], dtype='uint8'))
            except ValueError:
                rgb_list.append(np.zeros((points.shape[0], 3), dtype='uint8'))
                log.warning(f"WARN - corrupted rgb data for file {path}")

        if intensity:
                    np.ascontiguousarray(points[:, 6], dtype='float32'))
            except ValueError:
                intensity_list.append(np.zeros((points.shape[0],), dtype='float32'))
                log.warning(f"WARN - corrupted intensity data for file {path}")

        if semantic:
            y_list.append(np.full(points.shape[0], label, dtype='int64'))

        if instance:
            obj_list.append(np.full(points.shape[0], i_object, dtype='int64'))

    # Concatenate and convert to torch
    xyz_data = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(xyz_list, 0)) if xyz else None
    rgb_data = to_float_rgb(torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(rgb_list, 0))) \
        if rgb else None
    intensity_data = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(intensity_list, 0)) if intensity else None
    y_data = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(y_list, 0)) if semantic else None

    # Store into a Data object
    pos_offset = torch.zeros_like(xyz_data[0]) if xyz else None
    data = Data(pos=xyz_data, pos_offset=pos_offset, rgb=rgb_data, intensity=intensity_data, y=y_data)

    # Store instance labels in InstanceData format
    if instance:
        idx = torch.arange(data.num_points)
        obj = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(obj_list, 0))
        count = torch.ones_like(obj)
        y = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(y_list, 0))
        data.obj = InstanceData(idx, obj, count, y, dense=True)

    # Add is_val attribute if need be
    if is_val:
        data.is_val = torch.ones(data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool) * (
                osp.basename(room_dir) in VALIDATION_ROOMS)

    # Exit here if canonical orientations are not needed
    if not xyz_room and not align:
        return data

    # Recover the canonical rotation angle for the room at hand. NB:
    # this assumes the raw files are stored in the S3DIS structure:
    #   raw/
    #     └── Area_{{i_area: 1 > 6}}/
    #       └── Area_{{i_area: 1 > 6}}_alignmentAngle.txt
    #       └── {{room_dir}}
    #       └── ...
    area_dir = osp.dirname(room_dir)
    area = osp.basename(osp.dirname(room_dir))
    room_name = osp.basename(room_dir)
    alignment_file = osp.join(area_dir, f'{area}_alignmentAngle.txt')
    alignments = pd.read_csv(
        alignment_file, sep=' ', header=None, skiprows=2).values
    matching_indices = np.where(alignments[:, 0] == room_name)
    if len(matching_indices[0]) == 1:
        angle = float(alignments[matching_indices[0][0], 1])
        angle = float(np.mean(alignments[matching_indices[0], 1]))  # Utilisation de la moyenne

    # Matrix to rotate the room to its canonical orientation
    R = rodrigues_rotation_matrix(torch.FloatTensor([0, 0, 1]), angle)

    # Rotate the room
    pos_bkp = data.pos
    data.pos = data.pos @ R

    # Save the required attributes
    if xyz_room:
        data = RoomPosition()(data)
    if not align:
        data.pos = pos_bkp

    return data

#                               S3DIS                                  #

class S3DIS(BaseDataset):
    """S3DIS dataset, for Area-wise prediction.

    Note: we are using the S3DIS version with non-aligned rooms, which
    contains `Area_{{i_area:1>6}}_alignmentAngle.txt` files. Make sure
    you are not using the aligned version.

    Dataset website: http://buildingparser.stanford.edu/dataset.html

    root : `str`
        Root directory where the dataset should be saved.
    fold : `int`
        Integer in [1, ..., 6] indicating the Test Area
    with_stuff: `bool`
        By default, S3DIS does not have any stuff class. If `with_stuff`
        is True, the 'ceiling', 'wall', and 'floor' classes will be
        treated as stuff
    stage : {'train', 'val', 'test', 'trainval'}, optional
    transform : `callable`, optional
        transform function operating on data.
    pre_transform : `callable`, optional
        pre_transform function operating on data.
    pre_filter : `callable`, optional
        pre_filter function operating on data.
    on_device_transform: `callable`, optional
        on_device_transform function operating on data, in the
        'on_after_batch_transfer' hook. This is where GPU-based
        augmentations should be, as well as any Transform you do not
        want to run in CPU-based DataLoaders

    _form_url = FORM_URL
    _zip_name = ZIP_NAME
    _aligned_zip_name = ALIGNED_ZIP_NAME
    _unzip_name = UNZIP_NAME

    def __init__(self, *args, fold=5, with_stuff=False, **kwargs):
        self.fold = fold
        self.with_stuff = with_stuff
        super().__init__(*args, val_mixed_in_train=True, **kwargs)

    def pre_transform_hash(self):
        """Produce a unique but stable hash based on the dataset's
        `pre_transform` attributes (as exposed by `_repr`).

        For S3DIS, we want the hash to detect if the stuff classes are
        the default ones.
        suffix = '_with_stuff' if self.with_stuff else ''
        return super().pre_transform_hash + suffix

    def class_names(self):
        """List of string names for dataset classes. This list must be
        one-item larger than `self.num_classes`, with the last label
        corresponding to 'void', 'unlabelled', 'ignored' classes,
        indicated as `y=self.num_classes` in the dataset labels.
        return CLASS_NAMES

    def num_classes(self):
        """Number of classes in the dataset. Must be one-item smaller
        than `self.class_names`, to account for the last class name
        being used for 'void', 'unlabelled', 'ignored' classes,
        indicated as `y=self.num_classes` in the dataset labels.
        return S3DIS_NUM_CLASSES

    def stuff_classes(self):
        """List of 'stuff' labels for INSTANCE and PANOPTIC
        SEGMENTATION alone). By definition, 'stuff' labels are labels in
        `[0, self.num_classes-1]` which are not 'thing' labels.

        In instance segmentation, 'stuff' classes are not taken into
        account in performance metrics computation.

        In panoptic segmentation, 'stuff' classes are taken into account
        in performance metrics computation. Besides, each cloud/scene
        can only have at most one instance of each 'stuff' class.

        By convention, we assume `y ∈ [0, self.num_classes-1]` ARE ALL
        VALID LABELS (i.e. not 'ignored', 'void', 'unknown', etc), while
        `y < 0` AND `y >= self.num_classes` ARE VOID LABELS.
        return STUFF_CLASSES_MODIFIED if self.with_stuff else STUFF_CLASSES

    def class_colors(self):
        """Colors for visualization, if not None, must have the same
        length as `self.num_classes`. If None, the visualizer will use
        the label values in the data to generate random colors.
        return CLASS_COLORS

    def all_base_cloud_ids(self):
        """Dictionary holding lists of clouds ids, for each

        The following structure is expected:
            `{'train': [...], 'val': [...], 'test': [...]}`
        return {
            'train': [f'Area_{i}' for i in range(1, 220) if i != self.fold and i not in [1, 3, 18, 25, 26, 28, 33, 36, 101, 102, 109, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 131, 142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 174, 175, 176, 180, 185, 187, 210, 215, 216, 217]],
            'val': [f'Area_{i}' for i in range(1, 220) if i != self.fold and i not in [1, 3, 18, 25, 26, 28, 33, 36, 101, 102, 109, 114,  115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 131, 142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 174, 175, 176, 180, 185, 187, 210, 215, 216, 217]],
            'test': [f'Area_{self.fold}']}

    def download_dataset(self):
        """Download the S3DIS dataset.
        # Manually download the dataset
        if not osp.exists(osp.join(self.root, self._zip_name)):
                f"\nS3DIS does not support automatic download.\n"
                f"Please, register yourself by filling up the form at "
                f"From there, manually download the non-aligned rooms"
                f"'{self._zip_name}' into your '{self.root}/' directory and "
                f"The dataset will automatically be unzipped into the "
                f"following structure:\n"
                f"⛔ Make sure you DO NOT download the "
                f"'{self._aligned_zip_name}' version, which does not contain "
                f"the required `Area_{{i_area:1>6}}_alignmentAngle.txt` files."

        # Unzip the file and rename it into the `root/raw/` directory. This
        # directory contains the raw Area folders from the zip
        extract_zip(osp.join(self.root, self._zip_name), self.root)
        os.rename(osp.join(self.root, self._unzip_name), self.raw_dir)

    def read_single_raw_cloud(self, raw_cloud_path):
        """Read a single raw cloud and return a `Data` object, ready to
        be passed to `self.pre_transform`.

        This `Data` object should contain the following attributes:
          - `pos`: point coordinates
          - `y`: OPTIONAL point semantic label
          - `obj`: OPTIONAL `InstanceData` object with instance labels
          - `rgb`: OPTIONAL point color
          - `intensity`: OPTIONAL point LiDAR intensity

        By convention, we assume `y ∈ [0, self.num_classes-1]` ARE ALL
        VALID LABELS (i.e. not 'ignored', 'void', 'unknown', etc),
        while `y < 0` AND `y >= self.num_classes` ARE VOID LABELS.
        This applies to both `Data.y` and `Data.obj.y`.
        return read_s3dis_area(
            raw_cloud_path, xyz=True, rgb=True, intensity=True, semantic=True, instance=True,
            xyz_room=True, align=False, is_val=True, verbose=False)

    def raw_file_structure(self):
        return f"""
        └── {self._zip_name}
        └── raw/
            └── Area_{{i_area:1>6}}/
                └── Area_{{i_area:1>6}}_alignmentAngle.txt
                └── ...

    def raw_file_names(self):
        """The file paths to find in order to skip the download."""
        area_folders = super().raw_file_names
        alignment_files = [
            osp.join(a, f"{a}_alignmentAngle.txt") for a in area_folders]
        return area_folders + alignment_files

    def id_to_relative_raw_path(self, id):
        """Given a cloud id as stored in `self.cloud_ids`, return the
        path (relative to `self.raw_dir`) of the corresponding raw
        return self.id_to_base_id(id)

#                              MiniS3DIS                               #

class MiniS3DIS(S3DIS):
    """A mini version of S3DIS with only 1 area per stage for
    _NUM_MINI = 1

    def all_cloud_ids(self):
        return {k: v[:self._NUM_MINI] for k, v in super().all_cloud_ids.items()}

    def data_subdir_name(self):
        return self.__class__.__bases__[0].__name__.lower()

    # We have to include this method, otherwise the parent class skips
    # processing
    def process(self):

    # We have to include this method, otherwise the parent class skips
    # processing
    def download(self):
drprojects commented 1 month ago

To the best of my knowledge, the S3DIS dataset does not provide any sensor intensity, but I may be in the wrong here. Are these S3DIS raw files you are using ?

Your all_base_cloud_ids() suggests you are actually not working on S3DIS but on another, custom dataset. Is that correct ?

Due to the large amount of requests I receive, I only provide support for code and datasets I wrote and released myself. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to dedicate time for free, individual support for adjusting the codebase to user-specific datasets.

That being said, I do welcome pull requests for extending the project with new, openly-available datasets !

PS: I see that you have been posting several issues here. If you ❤️ or use this project, don't forget to give it a ⭐, it means a lot to us !

ImaneTopo commented 1 month ago

À ma connaissance, l’ensemble de données S3DIS ne fournit aucune intensité de capteur, mais je peux me tromper ici. S’agit-il de fichiers bruts S3DIS que vous utilisez ?

Cela suggère que vous ne travaillez pas sur S3DIS mais sur un autre ensemble de données personnalisé. Est-ce exact ?all_base_cloud_ids()

En raison du grand nombre de demandes que je reçois, je ne fournis un support que pour le code et les ensembles de données que j’ai écrits et publiés moi-même. Malheureusement, je ne peux pas me permettre de consacrer du temps à un soutien gratuit et individuel pour ajuster la base de code à des ensembles de données spécifiques à l’utilisateur.

Cela étant dit, j’accueille favorablement les demandes de tirage pour étendre le projet avec de nouveaux ensembles de données librement disponibles !

PS : Je vois que vous avez posté plusieurs problèmes ici. Si vous ❤️ ou utilisez ce projet, n’oubliez pas de lui donner un ⭐ , il signifie beaucoup pour nous !

Thanks for replying to my issue. Yes you're right, I'm not working on s3dis but on my own dataset that contains RBB and INTENSITY and which have the same format of the s3dis. I want just to know if those modifications I did are sufficient and correct or I need more coding because the results that I obtain seem that the model didn't learn anything.

gardiens commented 1 month ago

Your code seems fine but you don't provide neither your data or any metrics ,

If the model didn't learn anything , it usually means that :

It may be harsh but try to think from Drproject point of view. How should he react from your issue, what do you expect from him? What would you reply to yourself , especially that he doesn't have access to your data and he doesn't know what you mean by "bad metrics "?

Message ID: @.***
